1.  Author's Disclaimer

This document does not claim to be 100% complete. There are a few commands listed in the original document that I was unable to test either because I do not speak lisp, because they required programs we don't have, or because I wasn't able to make them work. In these cases I left the command out. The commands listed in this document have been tried and are known to work. It is expected that prospective users of this document will read it once to get the flavor of everything that vi can do and then use it as a reference document. Experimentation is recommended. If you don't understand a command, try it and see what happens.

[Note: In revising this document, I have attempted to make it completely reflect version 2.12 of vi. It does not attempt to document the VAX version (version 3), but with one or two exceptions (wrapmargin, arrow keys) everything said about 2.12 should apply to 3.1. Mark Horton]