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Date:      Wed, 25 Apr 2018 20:36:39 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Joseph Mingrone <>
Subject:   svn commit: r468297 - head/biology/paml
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Author: jrm
Date: Wed Apr 25 20:36:39 2018
New Revision: 468297

  biology/paml: Update to version 4.9h
  Port Changes:
  - Add EXAMPLES option and install most files under EXAMPLESDIR
  - Add USES=dos2unix to fix DOS line endings
  Upstream Changes:
  Version 4.9h, March 2018
  (*) mcmctree: gamma-Dirichlet versus conditional i.i.d. priors for
  rates for loci.  Since 4.9d, the program and the documentation are
  inconsistent about the two priors, and which value (0 or 1) means
  which prior.  I have now checked the program and the documentation to
  make sure that they are consistent:
  prior = 0: gamma-Dirichlet (dos Reis 2014).  This is the default.
  prior = 1: conditional i.i.d. prior (Zhu et al. 2015).
  I believe these two are similar especially if the number of loci
  (partitions) is large, but no serious comparisons between the two
  priors have been published.
  Thanks to Adnan Moussalli for pointing out the errors.
  (*) codeml.  It was discovered that the mechanistic amino acid
  substitution model implemented in Yang et al. (1998; see table 3),
  specified by seqtype = 2 model = 6, has been broken for a long time,
  since version 3.0 (2000) at least.  Version 2.0 (1999) seems to be
  correct.  This means that the model become broken soon since it was
  published.  I have now fixed this.
  This model of amino acid substitution starts from a Markov chain for
  codons and then aggregate the states and merge the synonymous codons
  into one state (the coded amino acid).  This is an approximate
  formulation since the process after state aggregation is not Markovian
  I have now added another codon-based amino acid substitution model
  that treats amino acids as ambiguities codons.  The model is specified
  by seqtype = 2 model = 5.  This is an exact formulation.
  (*) codeml.  The number of categories in the BEB calculation under M2
  and M8 is unintentionally set to 4 rather than 10.  I have changed
  this back to 10.  The details of this calculation are in Yang et
  al. 2005 MBE.
  Version 4.9g, December 2017
  (*) codeml.  A bug caused the BEB calculation under the site model M8
  (NSsites = 8) to be incorrect, with the program printing out warming
  messages like "strange: f[ 5] = -0.0587063 very small."  This bug was
  introduced in version 4.9b and affects versions 4.9b-f.  A different
  bug was introduced in version 4.9f that causes the log likelihood
  function under the site model M8 (NSsites = 8) to be calculated
  incorrectly.  These are now fixed.
  Version 4.9f, October 2017
  (*) baseml, nonhomogeneous models (nhomo & fix_kappa).  Those models
  allow different branches on the tree to have different Q matrices.
  Roughly nhomo controls the base frequency parameters while gix_kappa
  controls kappa or the exchangeability parameters (a b c d e in
  GTR/REV, for example).  I added the option (nhomo = 5, fix_kappa = 2),
  which lets the user to define branch types, so that branches of the
  same type have the same exchangeability parameters (a b c d e for GTR)
  and base composition parameters, while branches of different types
  have different parameters.  Branch types are labeled (using # and $),
  0, 1, 2, ....  The labels should be consecutive positive integers.
  The old options nhomo = 3 or 4 work for some models like GTR, but not
  some other models which also have base composition parameters.  In
  this update, I think those options should work with all those models.
  I have also edited the documentation (look for option variable nhomo
  for baseml).
  (*) baseml & codeml.  i added an option fix_blength = 3
  (proportional), which means that branch lengths will be proporational
  to those given in the tree file, and the proportionality factor is
  estimated by ML.
  (*) codeml.  The program does not count the parameters correctly for
  model M0 when fix_kappa = 1.  The bug was introduced in version 4.9c
  and affects versions 4.9c-e.  This is now fixed.
  (*) codeml (seqtype = 2 model = 2).  If you are analyzing multiple
  protein data sets (ndata > 1) under the empirical models such as wag,
  jtt, dayhoff.  The results for the first data set are correct, but all
  later data sets are analyzed incorrectly under the corresponding +F
  models, that is, wag+F, jtt+F, dayhoff+F, etc.  A bug in the program
  means that for the second and later data sets, the equilibrium amino
  acid frequencies are taken from the real data and not correctly set to
  those specified by the empirical models.  I note that this bug was
  recorded in the update Version 3.14b, April 2005, but it was somehow
  not fixed, even in that version.  This is now fixed.  Thanks to Nick
  Goldman for reporting this again.
  (*) evolver (options 5, 6, 7 for simulating nucleotide, codon and
  amino acid alignments).  If you choose the option of printing out the
  site pattern counts instead of the sequences (specified at the
  beginning of the control file such as MCbase.dat), and if you are
  simulating two or more alignments, the program crashes after finishing
  the first alignment.  This is now fixed.
  (*) mcmctree.  The program crashes if you have a mixture of
  morphological loci and molecular loci, if not all the morphological
  loci are before the molecular loci.  I have now fixed this.
  I think this was never described anyway.
  Version 4.9e, March 2017
  (*) Edited the readme files to change the license to GPL.
  (*) mcmctree.  A bug was introduced in version 4.9b which causes the
  program to read the fossil calibration information in the tree file
  incorrectly, if joint (minimum and maximum) bounds are specified using
  the symbol '<' and '>'.  If you use the notation "B()", "L()", and
  'U()', the information is read correctly.  This bug was introduced in
  version 4.9b and exists in 4.9c and 4.9d.  Versions 4.9a and earlier
  were correct.
  Version 4.9d, February 2017
  (*) mcmctree.  Changed the default prior for rates for loci to
  gamma-Dirichlet (dos Reis 2014), and updated the documentation as
  well.  It was set to the conditional i.i.d. prior (Zhu et al. 2015).
  (*) mcmctree.  Added Bayes factor calculation.  A program called
  BFdriver is included in the release, as well as a pdf document in the
  folder examples/DatingSoftBound/BFdriverDOC.pdf.  We suggest that you
  use the exact likelihood calculation when you use this option, since the
  normal approximation is unreliable when the power posterior is close to
  the prior (when beta is small).

  head/biology/paml/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/biology/paml/distinfo   (contents, props changed)
  head/biology/paml/pkg-plist   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/biology/paml/Makefile
--- head/biology/paml/Makefile	Wed Apr 25 20:17:48 2018	(r468296)
+++ head/biology/paml/Makefile	Wed Apr 25 20:36:39 2018	(r468297)
@@ -2,41 +2,30 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 CATEGORIES=	biology
 COMMENT=	Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML)
-USES=		gmake tar:tgz
+USES=		dos2unix gmake tar:tgz
+DOS2UNIX_GLOB=	*.HKYG5 *.aa *.c *.ctl *.dat *.nexus *.nuc *.phy *.result *.tre \
+		*.trees *.txt *.xml paupblock paupend
 BINARIES=	baseml basemlg chi2 codeml evolver evolverNSbranches \
 		evolverNSbranchsites evolverNSsites pamp yn00
-PORTDOCS=	MCMCtree.Tutorials.pdf MCMCtreeDOC.pdf pamlDOC.pdf pamlFAQs.pdf \
-		pamlHistory.txt README.txt
-DATA=		3s.trees 4s.trees 5s.trees 6s.trees GeneticCode.txt MCaa.dat	\
-		MCbase.dat MCbaseRandomTree.dat MCcodon.dat aaml.ctl baseml.ctl	\
-		brown.nuc brown.rooted.trees brown.trees codeml.ctl codonml.ctl	\
-		mcmctree.ctl pamp.ctl paupblock paupend paupstart stewart.aa	\
-		stewart.trees yn00.ctl
-PORTDATA=	${DATA} dat examples Technical
-# Remove Windows executables
 	@${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/Technical -name "*.exe" -delete
-	@cd ${WRKSRC}/src && \
+	@cd ${WRKSRC}/src && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_CMD}
 .for f in NSbranches NSsites NSbranchsites
 	@cd ${WRKSRC}/src && \
 	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -DCodon${f} -o evolver${f} evolver.c tools.c -lm
@@ -46,16 +35,19 @@ do-install:
 .for f in ${BINARIES}
-.for f in ${DATA}
-	(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "dat examples Technical" \
+	(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} "dat Technical" \
+.for f in *.aa *.ctl *.dat *.nuc *.trees *.txt paup*
 .include <>

Modified: head/biology/paml/distinfo
--- head/biology/paml/distinfo	Wed Apr 25 20:17:48 2018	(r468296)
+++ head/biology/paml/distinfo	Wed Apr 25 20:36:39 2018	(r468297)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1475182775
-SHA256 (paml4.9c.tgz) = 8be4250399f3daaf22b0b643fa1a1fd5fddb892d54ce330bfe77ea9dbed577b9
-SIZE (paml4.9c.tgz) = 5409741
+TIMESTAMP = 1524675240
+SHA256 (paml4.9h.tgz) = 623bf6cf4a018a4e7b4dbba189c41d6c0c25fdca3a0ae24703b82965c772edb3
+SIZE (paml4.9h.tgz) = 6241149

Modified: head/biology/paml/pkg-plist
--- head/biology/paml/pkg-plist	Wed Apr 25 20:17:48 2018	(r468296)
+++ head/biology/paml/pkg-plist	Wed Apr 25 20:36:39 2018	(r468297)
@@ -1,3 +1,165 @@

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