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Date:      Thu, 4 Apr 2013 23:21:50 GMT
From:      Alan Somers <>
Subject:   ports/177641: devel/kyua-cli Kyua (automated testing framework) - Command line interface
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         177641
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       devel/kyua-cli Kyua (automated testing framework) - Command line interface
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Apr 04 23:30:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Alan Somers
>Release:        10.0-CURRENT
Spectra Logic
FreeBSD alans-fbsd10 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sat Mar 30 20:25:42 UTC 2013  amd64

Also tested on 9.1 amd64 and 9.1 i386
This is the guts of Kyua.  It's an automated testing framework designed to replace ATF, but be better in every way.  It's portable, but targeted primarily towards the needs of NetBSD.


Patch attached with submission follows:

# This is a shell archive.  Save it in a file, remove anything before
# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file".  Note, it may
# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
# have default permissions.
# This archive contains:
#	kyua-cli
#	kyua-cli/distinfo
#	kyua-cli/pkg-descr
#	kyua-cli/Makefile
#	kyua-cli/files
#	kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.ipp
#	kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.cpp
#	kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.cpp
#	kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.ipp
#	kyua-cli/pkg-plist
echo c - kyua-cli
mkdir -p kyua-cli > /dev/null 2>&1
echo x - kyua-cli/distinfo
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/distinfo << 'c9ff18b6cae3bacd9b9a2b3a93181575'
XSHA256 (kyua-cli-0.6.tar.gz) = b422d63a6db02e806d6da355486dcf6857aa54338d83a0c8b90c7da7dd4f0642
XSIZE (kyua-cli-0.6.tar.gz) = 487249
echo x - kyua-cli/pkg-descr
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/pkg-descr << 'd17a2fa865e8ff2053badf677ddf82ce'
XKyua (pronounced Q.A.) is a testing framework for both developers and
Xusers.  Kyua is different from most other testing frameworks in that it
Xputs the end user experience before anything else.  There are multiple
Xreasons for users to run the tests themselves, and Kyua ensures that
Xthey can do so in the most convenient way.
XAt the moment, Kyua is focused on implementing a solid foundation and a
Xpowerful command-line tool to run tests implemented with the Automated
XTesting Framework (ATF).  Later on, Kyua will also provide a set of
Xlanguage bindings (C, C++ and shell, at the least) to ease the
Ximplementation of test cases in a variety of programming languages.
XIn effect, Kyua is intended to be a replacement for ATF.
echo x - kyua-cli/Makefile
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/Makefile << '7d8d1598bbf4040c136306039fea5b38'
X# New ports collection makefile for:	kyua-cli
X# Date created:				27 Mar 2012
X# Whom:					Alan Somers <>
X# $FreeBSD$
XPORTNAME=	kyua-cli
XCOMMENT=	Kyua (automated testing framework) - Command line interface
XLIB_DEPENDS=	lutok:${PORTSDIR}/devel/lutok
XLIB_DEPENDS+=	sqlite3:${PORTSDIR}/databases/sqlite3
XBUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libexec/kyua-atf-tester:${PORTSDIR}/devel/kyua-testers
XCONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-doxygen
X# TODO: install the tests, once FreeBSD has a system for ports to install tests
XCONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-atf
XPLIST_SUBST+=	TESTS="@comment "
XMAN1=	kyua-about.1 kyua-config.1 kyua-db-exec.1 kyua-db-migrate.1
XMAN1+=	kyua-debug.1 kyua-help.1 kyua-list.1 kyua-report-html.1
XMAN1+=	kyua-report.1 kyua-test.1 kyua.1
XMAN5=	kyua.conf.5 kyuafile.5
XMAN7=	kyua-build-root.7 kyua-test-filters.7
X.include <>
echo c - kyua-cli/files
mkdir -p kyua-cli/files > /dev/null 2>&1
echo x - kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.ipp
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.ipp << 'd3870e6e5b236f15c31eaea4d4cfbafe'
X--- utils/config/nodes.ipp.orig	2013-03-28 12:56:35.697127706 -0600
X+++ utils/config/nodes.ipp	2013-03-28 12:56:49.139128561 -0600
X@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
X #include "utils/format/macros.hpp"
X #include "utils/optional.ipp"
X #include "utils/text/exceptions.hpp"
X+#include "utils/units.hpp"
X #include "utils/text/operations.ipp"
X #include "utils/sanity.hpp"
echo x - kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.cpp
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-nodes.cpp << 'e0cb96d9fc217122a526a427bd641bb9'
X--- utils/config/nodes.cpp.old
X+++ utils/config/nodes.cpp
X@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ config::detail::inner_node::lookup_ro(const tree_key& key,
X         return (*child_iter).second;
X     } else {
X         PRE(key_pos < key.size() - 1);
X-        try {
X-            const inner_node& child = dynamic_cast< const inner_node& >(
X-                *(*child_iter).second);
X-            return child.lookup_ro(key, key_pos + 1);
X-        } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
X+        const inner_node* child = dynamic_cast< const inner_node* >(
X+                (*child_iter).second);
X+        if (child != NULL) {
X+            return child->lookup_ro(key, key_pos + 1);
X+        } else {
X             throw unknown_key_error(
X                 key, "Cannot address incomplete configuration property '%s'");
X         }
X@@ -163,21 +163,19 @@ config::detail::inner_node::lookup_rw(const tree_key& key,
X     }
X     if (key_pos == key.size() - 1) {
X-        try {
X-            leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node& >(
X-                *(*child_iter).second);
X-            return &child;
X-        } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+        leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node* >((*child_iter).second);
X+        if (child != NULL) {
X+            return child;
X+        } else {
X             throw value_error(F("Invalid value for key '%s'") %
X                               flatten_key(key));
X         }
X     } else {
X         PRE(key_pos < key.size() - 1);
X-        try {
X-            inner_node& child = dynamic_cast< inner_node& >(
X-                *(*child_iter).second);
X-            return child.lookup_rw(key, key_pos + 1, new_node);
X-        } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
X+        inner_node* child = dynamic_cast< inner_node* >((*child_iter).second);
X+        if (child != NULL) {
X+            return child->lookup_rw(key, key_pos + 1, new_node);
X+        } else {
X             throw unknown_key_error(
X                 key, "Cannot address incomplete configuration property '%s'");
X         }
X@@ -198,13 +196,14 @@ config::detail::inner_node::all_properties(properties_map& properties,
X          iter != _children.end(); ++iter) {
X         tree_key child_key = key;
X         child_key.push_back((*iter).first);
X-        try {
X-            leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node& >(*(*iter).second);
X-            if (child.is_set())
X-                properties[flatten_key(child_key)] = child.to_string();
X-        } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X-            inner_node& child = dynamic_cast< inner_node& >(*(*iter).second);
X-            child.all_properties(properties, child_key);
X+        leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node* >((*iter).second);
X+        if (child != NULL) {
X+            if (child->is_set())
X+                properties[flatten_key(child_key)] = child->to_string();
X+        } else {
X+            inner_node* child2 = dynamic_cast< inner_node* >((*iter).second);
X+            INV(child2 != NULL);
X+            child2->all_properties(properties, child_key);
X         }
X     }
X }
X@@ -261,11 +260,11 @@ config::detail::static_inner_node::define(const tree_key& key,
X             _children.insert(children_map::value_type(key[key_pos], child_ptr));
X             child_ptr->define(key, key_pos + 1, new_node);
X         } else {
X-            try {
X-                static_inner_node& child = dynamic_cast< static_inner_node& >(
X-                    *(*child_iter).second);
X-                child.define(key, key_pos + 1, new_node);
X-            } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
X+            static_inner_node* child = dynamic_cast< static_inner_node* >(
X+                (*child_iter).second);
X+            if (child != NULL) {
X+                child->define(key, key_pos + 1, new_node);
X+            } else {
X                 UNREACHABLE;
X             }
X         }
echo x - kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.cpp
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.cpp << '644c709487c71eed6328ae6d1c770cc6'
X--- utils/config/tree.cpp.old
X+++ utils/config/tree.cpp
X@@ -109,11 +109,10 @@ config::tree::is_set(const std::string& dotted_key) const
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     try {
X         const detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_ro(key, 0);
X-        try {
X-            const leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node& >(
X-                *raw_node);
X-            return child.is_set();
X-        } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+        const leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node* >(raw_node);
X+        if (child != NULL) {
X+            return child->is_set();
X+        } else {
X             return false;
X         }
X     } catch (const unknown_key_error& unused_error) {
X@@ -134,10 +133,10 @@ config::tree::push_lua(const std::string& dotted_key, lutok::state& state) const
X {
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     const detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_ro(key, 0);
X-    try {
X-        const leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node& >(*raw_node);
X-        child.push_lua(state);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    const leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        child->push_lua(state);
X+    } else {
X         throw unknown_key_error(key);
X     }
X }
X@@ -159,10 +158,10 @@ config::tree::set_lua(const std::string& dotted_key, lutok::state& state,
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_rw(
X         key, 0, detail::new_node< string_node >);
X-    try {
X-        leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node& >(*raw_node);
X-        child.set_lua(state, value_index);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        child->set_lua(state, value_index);
X+    } else {
X         throw value_error(F("Invalid value for key '%s'") %
X                           detail::flatten_key(key));
X     }
X@@ -182,10 +181,10 @@ config::tree::lookup_string(const std::string& dotted_key) const
X {
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     const detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_ro(key, 0);
X-    try {
X-        const leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node& >(*raw_node);
X-        return child.to_string();
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    const leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< const leaf_node* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        return child->to_string();
X+    } else {
X         throw unknown_key_error(key);
X     }
X }
X@@ -210,10 +209,10 @@ config::tree::set_string(const std::string& dotted_key,
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_rw(
X         key, 0, detail::new_node< string_node >);
X-    try {
X-        leaf_node& child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node& >(*raw_node);
X-        child.set_string(raw_value);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    leaf_node* child = dynamic_cast< leaf_node* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        child->set_string(raw_value);
X+    } else {
X         throw value_error(F("Invalid value for key '%s'") %
X                           detail::flatten_key(key));
X     }
X@@ -247,11 +246,11 @@ config::tree::all_properties(const std::string& dotted_key,
X         key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X         raw_node = _root->lookup_ro(key, 0);
X     }
X-    try {
X-        const detail::inner_node& child =
X-            dynamic_cast< const detail::inner_node& >(*raw_node);
X-        child.all_properties(properties, key);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    const detail::inner_node* child =
X+        dynamic_cast< const detail::inner_node* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        child->all_properties(properties, key);
X+    } else {
X         INV(!dotted_key.empty());
X         throw value_error(F("Cannot export properties from a leaf node; "
X                             "'%s' given") % dotted_key);
echo x - kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.ipp
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/files/patch-utils-config-tree.ipp << '8832030cfc9162a8ea00791d84b9ca06'
X--- utils/config/tree.ipp.old
X+++ utils/config/tree.ipp
X@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ config::tree::lookup(const std::string& dotted_key) const
X {
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     const detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_ro(key, 0);
X-    try {
X-        const LeafType& child = dynamic_cast< const LeafType& >(*raw_node);
X-        if (child.is_set())
X-            return child.value();
X+    const LeafType* child = dynamic_cast< const LeafType* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        if (child->is_set())
X+            return child->value();
X         else
X             throw unknown_key_error(key);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    } else {
X         throw unknown_key_error(key);
X     }
X }
X@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ config::tree::lookup_rw(const std::string& dotted_key)
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     detail::base_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_rw(
X         key, 0, detail::new_node< LeafType >);
X-    try {
X-        LeafType& child = dynamic_cast< LeafType& >(*raw_node);
X-        if (child.is_set())
X-            return child.value();
X+    LeafType* child = dynamic_cast< LeafType* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        if (child->is_set())
X+            return child->value();
X         else
X             throw unknown_key_error(key);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    } else {
X         throw unknown_key_error(key);
X     }
X }
X@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ config::tree::set(const std::string& dotted_key,
X     const detail::tree_key key = detail::parse_key(dotted_key);
X     leaf_node* raw_node = _root->lookup_rw(key, 0,
X                                            detail::new_node< LeafType >);
X-    try {
X-        LeafType& child = dynamic_cast< LeafType& >(*raw_node);
X-        child.set(value);
X-    } catch (const std::bad_cast& unused_error) {
X+    LeafType* child = dynamic_cast< LeafType* >(raw_node);
X+    if (child != NULL) {
X+        child->set(value);
X+    } else {
X         throw value_error(F("Invalid value for key '%s'") %
X                           detail::flatten_key(key));
X     }
echo x - kyua-cli/pkg-plist
sed 's/^X//' >kyua-cli/pkg-plist << 'b13ea78f7e8b3b16eef55d77ff658cc2'
X@dirrm share/kyua-cli/store
X@dirrm share/kyua-cli/misc
X@dirrm share/kyua-cli/examples
X@dirrm share/kyua-cli
X@dirrm share/doc/kyua-cli


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