[the header...just to make it easier for us to identify the ports.] # $FreeBSD: head/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.xml 54410 2020-08-05 22:13:01Z dbaio $ [ ^^^^^^^^^ This will be automatically replaced with RCS ID string by SVN when it is committed to our repository. If upgrading a port, do not alter this line back to "$FreeBSD: head/pt_BR.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.xml 54410 2020-08-05 22:13:01Z dbaio $". SVN deals with it automatically.] [section to describe the port itself and the master site - PORTNAME and PORTVERSION or the DISTVERSION* variables are always first, followed by CATEGORIES, and then MASTER_SITES, which can be followed by MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR. PKGNAMEPREFIX and PKGNAMESUFFIX, if needed, will be after that. Then comes DISTNAME, EXTRACT_SUFX and/or DISTFILES, and then EXTRACT_ONLY, as necessary.] PORTNAME= xdvi DISTVERSION= 18.2 CATEGORIES= print [do not forget the trailing slash ("/")! if not using MASTER_SITE_* macros] MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_XCONTRIB} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= applications PKGNAMEPREFIX= ja- DISTNAME= xdvi-pl18 [set this if the source is not in the standard ".tar.gz" form] EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.Z [section for distributed patches -- can be empty] PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/X11/japanese/ PATCHFILES= xdvi-18.patch1.gz xdvi-18.patch2.gz [If the distributed patches were not made relative to ${WRKSRC}, this may need to be tweaked] PATCH_DIST_STRIP= -p1 [maintainer; *mandatory*! This is the person who is volunteering to handle port updates, build breakages, and to whom a users can direct questions and bug reports. To keep the quality of the Ports Collection as high as possible, we do not accept new ports that are assigned to "ports@FreeBSD.org".] MAINTAINER= asami@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= DVI Previewer for the X Window System [license -- should not be empty] LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE [dependencies -- can be empty] RUN_DEPENDS= gs:print/ghostscript [If it requires GNU make, not /usr/bin/make, to build...] USES= gmake [If it is an X application and requires "xmkmf -a" to be run...] USES= imake [this section is for other standard bsd.port.mk variables that do not] belong to any of the above] [If it asks questions during configure, build, install...] IS_INTERACTIVE= yes [If it extracts to a directory other than ${DISTNAME}...] WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/xdvi-new [If it requires a "configure" script generated by GNU autoconf to be run] GNU_CONFIGURE= yes [et cetera.] [If it requires options, this section is for options] OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS EXAMPLES FOO OPTIONS_DEFAULT= FOO [If options will change the files in plist] OPTIONS_SUB=yes FOO_DESC= Enable foo support FOO_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= foo [non-standard variables to be used in the rules below] MY_FAVORITE_RESPONSE= "yeah, right" [then the special rules, in the order they are called] pre-fetch: i go fetch something, yeah post-patch: i need to do something after patch, great pre-install: and then some more stuff before installing, wow [and then the epilogue] .include <bsd.port.mk>
Capítulo 14. Um Exemplo de Makefile
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Aqui está um exemplo de Makefile que pode ser usado para criar um novo port. Certifique-se de remover todos os comentários extras (entre colchetes).
O formato apresentado é o recomendado para ordenar variáveis, linhas vazias entre seções e assim por diante. Esse formato é projetado para que as informações mais importantes sejam fáceis de serem localizadas. Recomendamos usar o portlint para verificar o Makefile.
Última alteração em: 9 de março de 2024 por Danilo G. Baio