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Date:      Wed, 5 Sep 2007 11:17:47 GMT
From:      Wei-Hao Syu <>
Subject:   docs/116117: update handbook/basics translation of traditional chinese
Message-ID:  <>
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>Number:         116117
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       update handbook/basics translation of traditional chinese
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 05 11:20:14 GMT 2007
>Originator:     Wei-Hao Syu
>Release:        6.2-STABLE
FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #6: Thu Aug 16 09:20:37 CST 2007  amd64
please see the attached file.


Patch attached with submission follows:

     The FreeBSD Documentation Project

     $FreeBSD: doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/basics/chapter.sgml,v 1.3 2006/06/17 10:22:45 vanilla Exp $
     Original revision: 1.142

<chapter id="basics">
	<contrib>Rewritten by </contrib>
    <!-- 10 Mar 2000 -->

  <title>UNIX 基礎概念</title>
  <sect1 id="basics-synopsis">

   <para>接下來的這一章將涵蓋 FreeBSD 作業系統的基本指令及功能。
	大部份的內容在 &unix;-like 作業系統中都是相通的。
	如果您剛接觸 FreeBSD ,那您一定要仔細的讀完這章。</para>


        <para>如何使用 FreeBSD 的<quote>virtual consoles</quote>。</para>
	<para>&unix; 檔案權限運作的方式以及 &os; 中檔案的 flags。</para>
	<para>預設的 &os; 檔案系統配置。</para>
	<para>&os; 的磁碟結構。</para>
	<para>什麼是processes、daemons 以及 signals 。</para>
	<para>什麼是 shell ,以及如何變更您預設的登入環境。</para>
	<para>什麼是 devices 和 device nodes 。</para>
	<para>&os; 下使用的 binary 格式。</para>
	<para>如何閱讀 manual pages 以獲得更多的資訊。</para>


  <sect1 id="consoles">
    <title>Virtual Consoles 和終端機</title>
    <indexterm><primary>virtual consoles</primary></indexterm>

    <para> 有很多方法可以操作 FreeBSD ,其中一種就是在文字終端機上打字。
	  如此使用 FreeBSD 即可輕易的體會到 &unix; 作業系統的威力和彈性。
      <quote>console</quote>,以及可以如何在 FreeBSD 中運用它們。</para>

    <sect2 id="consoles-intro">
      <title>The Console</title>

      <para>如果您沒有將 FreeBSD 設定成開機時自動進入圖形化模式,系統會在啟動的
	script 跑完之後顯示登入的提示符號。 您將會看到像是這樣的東西:</para>

      <screen>Additional ABI support:.
Local package initialization:.
Additional TCP options:.

Fri Sep 20 13:01:06 EEST 2002

FreeBSD/i386 ( (ttyv0)



      <programlisting>FreeBSD/i386 ( (ttyv0)</programlisting>

      <para>這行包含了剛開機完系統的資訊。 您看到的是在 Intel 或相容處理器的 
	x86 架構上執行的 <quote>FreeBSD</quote>的 console<footnote>
          <para>這就是 <literal>i386</literal> 的意義。 注意即使您不是在 
	    Intel 的 386 處理器上執行 FreeBSD ,一樣是<literal>i386</literal>。
          </footnote>。 這台機器的名字 (每台 &unix; 機器都有一個名字) 是 
          console&mdash; <devicename>ttyv0</devicename>終端機。</para>



        下一小節將告訴您如何登入 FreeBSD。</para>

    <sect2 id="consoles-login">
      <title>登入 FreeBSD</title>

      <para>FreeBSD 是一個 multiuser、multiprocessing 的系統。 

        在 FreeBSD (以及所有的 &unix;-like 作業系統) 
        FreeBSD 在允許使用者執行程式前將會先問這兩個問題。</para>

      <indexterm><primary>startup scripts</primary></indexterm>
      <para>在 FreeBSD 開機並跑完起動的 script 之後<footnote>
        <para>這些起動的 script 是在開機的時候 FreeBSD 會自動執行的程式。


	<literal>john</literal> 並按下 <keycap>Enter</keycap>。

      <screen>login: <userinput>john</userinput>

      <para>輸入 <username>john</username> 的密碼,再按下 
	輸入的密碼 <emphasis>不會顯示在螢幕上</emphasis>。

      <para>如果您輸入了正確的密碼,您應該已經登入 FreeBSD。

        (即今日訊息、Messages Of The Day),後面接著命令提示字元
        (一個 <literal>#</literal>,<literal>$</literal>, 或是 
	<literal>%</literal> 字元)。 這就表示您已經成功登入 
	FreeBSD 了。</para>

    <sect2 id="consoles-virtual">
      <title>多重 Console</title>

      <para>在一個 Console 下執行 &unix; 當然是沒有問題,然而
        FreeBSD 是可以同時執行很多程式的。 
        像 FreeBSD 這樣可以同時執行一大堆程式的作業系統,只有一個
        console 可以輸入指令實在是有點浪費。
        在此<quote>virtual consoles</quote>就很有用了。</para>

      <para> FreeBSD 可以被設定成同時有很多 
        virtual console,用幾個按鍵的組合就可以從一個
        virtual console 跳到別的 virtual console 去。
        每一個 console 都有自已不同的輸出頻道, 當從某一個
        virtual console 切換到下一個的時候,FreeBSD
      <para>FreeBSD 保留了特別的按鍵組合來切換 console <footnote>
        <para>在 &man.syscons.4;、&man.atkbd.4;、&man.vidcontrol.1;、以及
          &man.kbdcontrol.1;等 manual page 中,對於 FreeBSD 的 console
          及鍵盤驅動程式有詳細的技術說明。 我們在這裡不討論細節,有興趣的讀者隨時可以在 
          manual page 中查到關於運作方式的更詳細且完整的解釋。</para>
	    </footnote>。 您可以用
	來切換 FreeBSD 的不同 console。 </para>
      <para> 當您從一個 console 切換到下一個的時候,FreeBSD 
        FreeBSD 執行。 在某一個 console 上執行的程式並不會因為切到別的 console
        而停止執行,當您切換到另一個 console 的時候,他們會繼續執行。</para>

    <sect2 id="consoles-ttys">
      <title><filename>/etc/ttys</filename> 檔</title>

      <para>FreeBSD 預設的虛擬 console 總共有 8 個,
        但這並非硬性規定,您可輕鬆設定這些虛擬 console 的數量增減。 
	有關虛擬 console 的編號跟設定都在 
	<filename>/etc/ttys</filename> 這檔案內設定。</para>

      <para>可以用 <filename>/etc/ttys</filename> 檔案來設定
	FreeBSD 的虛擬 console。 檔案內每行非註解文字(該行開頭沒有 
	<literal>#</literal> 這字)都是設定終端機或虛擬 console。
	FreeBSD 預設有 9 個虛擬 console 但只啟動 8 個,也就是以下以
	<literal>ttyv</literal>	開頭的那幾行設定。</para>

      <programlisting># name  getty                           type    status          comments
ttyv0   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
# Virtual terminals
ttyv1   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv2   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv3   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv4   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv5   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv6   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv7   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         cons25  on  secure
ttyv8   "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon"  xterm   off secure</programlisting>

	&man.ttys.5; 說明。</para>

    <sect2 id="consoles-singleuser">
      <title>Single User 模式的 Console</title>

      <para>有關 <quote>single user 模式</quote> 的介紹在 
	<xref linkend="boot-singleuser">
        這邊有詳盡介紹。  在 single user 模式時,能夠使用的 console 
	只有一個,並無虛擬 console 可用。 而 single user 模式相關設定值可以在
	<filename>/etc/ttys</filename> 檔做調整。 下面以 
	<literal>console</literal> 開頭的那行,就是了:</para>

      <programlisting># name  getty                           type    status          comments
# If console is marked "insecure", then init will ask for the root password
# when going to single-user mode.
console none                            unknown off secure</programlisting>

        <para>在 <literal>console</literal> 那行前面的註解有提到,可以把那行的
	  <literal>secure</literal> 改為 <literal>insecure</literal>,
	  如此一來,即使 FreeBSD 進入 single user 模式,
	  仍會要求您輸入 <username>root</username> 的密碼。</para>

	  <literal>insecure</literal></emphasis>。  因為萬一忘記 
	  <username>root</username> 密碼的話,若要登入 single user 
	  模式就有些麻煩了。儘管還有其他方式可以登入,但對不熟 FreeBSD

  <sect1 id="permissions">

    <para>FreeBSD 源自於 BSD &unix;,繼承了幾個重要的 &unix; 概念。
      首先也最明顯,它是一款 multi-user 作業系統。
      硬碟裝置、週邊設備、記憶體及 CPU 時間的要求。</para>


      <primary>file permissions</primary>
    <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
      <tgroup cols="3">

	    <entry>不可讀取, 不可寫入, 不可執行</entry>

	    <entry>不可讀取, 不可寫入, 可執行</entry>

	    <entry>不可讀取, 可寫入, 不可執行</entry>

	    <entry>不可讀取, 可寫入, 可執行</entry>

	    <entry>可讀取, 不可寫入, 不可執行</entry>

	    <entry>可讀取, 不可寫入, 可執行</entry>

	    <entry>可讀取, 可寫入, 不可執行</entry>

	    <entry>可讀取, 可寫入, 可執行</entry>

    <para>使用指令 &; 您可以用 <option>-l</option> 做為其參數,
      在隨便一個目錄底下執行 <command>ls -l</command>,會顯示如下的結果:

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ls -l</userinput>
total 530
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     512 Sep  5 12:31 myfile
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     512 Sep  5 12:31 otherfile
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    7680 Sep  5 12:31 email.txt

    <para>在這裡告所您該如何區分 <command>ls -l</command> 


    <para>第一個 (最左邊) 的字元用來表示這個檔案的類型為何,
      除標準檔案以外,尚有目錄、特殊字元裝置 (Special character device)、
      Socket 及其他特殊虛擬檔案裝置 (Special pseudo-file device),
      在此例當中,<literal>-</literal> 表示該檔案為一個標準的檔案。
      代表所有者對檔案擁有的權限。 再接下來的三個字元,
      <literal>r--</literal> 則代表群組對檔案擁有的權限,
      最後三個字元,<literal>r--</literal> 則代表其他人對檔案擁有的權限。
      破折號 (-) 表示沒有權限,範例中的這個檔案的權限,
      根據以上的表格,此種權限的檔案可以使用 <literal>644</literal> 來表示,

    <para>以上是不錯的方式,但系統該如何控制裝置的權限? 實際上 FreeBSD
      這些特殊裝置檔案 (Special device file) 都儲存於 <filename>/dev</filename> 

      當目錄被標示為可執行時,代表可以使用 <quote>cd</quote> 
      (更改目錄) 進入該目錄。也代表能夠存取在此目錄之中的已知檔名的檔案

      <emphasis>以及</emphasis> 執行的權限。</para>

    <para>還有一些權限,但這些權限主要在特殊情況使用,如 setuid binaries 
      及 sticky directories。 
      &man.chmod.1; 說明文件。</para>

	    <contrib>Contributed by </contrib>


	符號表示的格式依序為 (某人)(動作)(權限),可使用的符號如下:</para>

      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
	<tgroup cols="3">




	    <entry>所有 (<quote>world</quote>)</entry>







	    <entry>Sticky bit</entry>

	    <entry>Set UID 或 GID</entry>

    <para>如先前同樣使用 &man.chmod.1; 指令來設定,但使用的參數為這些字元。
	例如,您可以使用下列指令禁止其他使用者存取檔案 <replaceable>FILE</replaceable>:</para>

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>chmod go= FILE</userinput></screen>

	對檔案 <replaceable>FILE</replaceable> 的寫入權限,

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>chmod go-w,a+x <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></userinput></screen>

    <para>Most users will not notice this, but it should be pointed out
      that using the octal method will only set or assign permissions to
      a file; it does not add or delete them.</para>

	    <contrib>Contributed by </contrib>

      <title>&os; 檔案旗標(Flag)</title>

      <para>除了前面提到的檔案權限外,&os; 支援使用 <quote>檔案旗標</quote>。

      <para>檔案旗標增加了管理性,確保在某些時候 <username>root</username> 

      <para>修改的檔案 flag 僅需要使用擁有簡易的介面的 &man.chflags.1; 工具。

      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chflags sunlink <filename>file1</filename></userinput></screen>

	只需要簡單在 <option>sunlink</option> 前加上 <quote>no</quote>,例如:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chflags nosunlink <filename>file1</filename></userinput></screen>

      <para>使用 &; 及參數 <option>-lo</option> 可檢視檔案目前的旗標:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ls -lo <filename>file1</filename>


      <programlisting>-rw-r--r--  1 trhodes  trhodes  sunlnk 0 Mar  1 05:54 file1</programlisting>

      <para>多數的旗標僅能由 <username>root</username> 
	這裡建議管理者閱讀 &man.chflags.1; 及 &man.chflags.2; 
  <sect1 id="dirstructure">
    <indexterm><primary>directory hierarchy</primary></indexterm>

    <para>認識 FreeBSD 的目錄架構,就可對系統有概略的基礎理解。
      最重要的莫過於整個目錄的根目錄,就是 <quote>/</quote> 
      目錄,這目錄會在開機時第一個先掛載 (mount),其中裡面有給 
      multi-user 操作的基本系統。根目錄也會記錄每個檔案系統之相關掛載點
      (mount point)。</para>

      在 <xref linkend="disk-organization"> 這邊對此有更詳細介紹。
      <filename>/usr</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>, <filename>/tmp</filename>,
      <filename>/mnt</filename>,以及 <filename>/cdrom</filename>。  
      這些目錄通常會記錄在 <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 設定檔內。
      <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 是記錄各檔案系統及相關掛載點的表格。
      大部分在 <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 
      記錄的檔案系統,會在開機時由 &man.rc.8; script 來自動掛載,除非它們有設定
      <option>noauto</option> 選項。細節說明可參閱 <xref linkend="disks-fstab">。

    <para>有關檔案系統架構的完整說明可參閱 &man.hier.7;。  

      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
        <tgroup cols="2">
	  <tbody valign="top">
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/bin/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>適用 single-user 跟 multi-user 的基本工具。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/boot/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/boot/defaults/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>預設的開機啟動設定檔,詳情請參閱 &man.loader.conf.5;。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/dev/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>Device nodes,詳情請參閱 &man.intro.4;。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>系統設定檔及一些 script 檔。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/defaults/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>預設的系統設定檔,詳情請參閱 &man.rc.8;。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/mail/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>MTA(Mail Transport Agent)的相關設定檔,像是 &man.sendmail.8;。
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/namedb/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><command>named</command> 設定檔,詳情請參閱
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/periodic/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>每日、每週、每月透過 &man.cron.8;; 執行的定期排程 script,
		詳情請參閱 &man.periodic.8;。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/etc/ppp/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><command>ppp</command> 設定檔,詳情請參閱 
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/mnt/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/proc/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>Process 檔案系統,詳情請參閱 &man.procfs.5; 及

	      <entry><filename class="directory">/rescue/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>緊急救援用途的一些 statically linked 程式,詳情請參閱 

	      <entry><filename class="directory">/root/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><username>root</username> 帳號的家目錄。</entry>

	      <entry><filename class="directory">/sbin/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>供 single-user 及 multi-user 環境使用的系統程式及管理工具。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/tmp/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>臨時檔案。  一般而言,重開機之後
		<filename class="directory">/tmp</filename> 內的東西會被清除掉。
		而通常會將 memory-based 檔案系統掛載在 
		<filename class="directory">/tmp</filename> 上。
		這些瑣事可透過 tmpmfs 相關的 &man.rc.conf.5; 環境變數來自動完成。
		<filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 內做設定,詳情請參閱 &man.mdmfs.8;。)</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/bin/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/include/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>標準 C include 的相關 header 檔案庫。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/lib/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/libdata/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/libexec/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>系統 daemons 及系統工具程式(透過其他程式來執行)。</entry>

	      <entry>存放一些自行安裝的執行檔、函式庫等等。  同時,也是 FreeBSD
		ports 架構的預設安裝目錄。  <filename>/usr/local</filename> 
		內的目錄架構大致與 <filename>/usr</filename> 相同,詳情請參閱 
		&man.hier.7; 說明。但 man 目錄例外,它們是直接放在
		<filename>/usr/local</filename> 底下,而非 <filename>/usr/local/share</filename>,
		而 ports 所安裝的說明文件則在 
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/obj/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>在編譯 <filename>/usr/src</filename> 
		目錄時所產生的相關架構 object 檔案。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/ports</filename></entry>
	      <entry>FreeBSD Ports Collection (optional)。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/sbin/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>系統 daemon 及系統工具(直接由使用者執行)。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/share/</filename></entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/usr/src/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>BSD 本身的原始碼(或自行新增的)。</entry>
	      <entry>X11R6 相關套件的執行檔、函式庫等(optional)。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/var/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>存放各種用途的 log 檔、臨時或暫時存放、列印或郵件的 
		spool 檔案。有時候,memory-based 檔案系統也會掛載在
		<filename class="directory">/var</filename>。
		這些瑣事可透過 varmfs 相關的 &man.rc.conf.5 
		<filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 內做設定,相關細節請參閱 
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/var/log/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>各項系統記錄的 log 檔案。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/var/mail/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>各使用者的 mailbox 檔案。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/var/spool/</filename></entry>
	      <entry>各種印表機、郵件系統的 spool 目錄。</entry>
	      <entry><filename class="directory">/var/tmp/</filename></entry>
		<filename class="directory">/var</filename>
		是屬於 memory-based 檔案系統。</entry>
	      <entry>記錄 NIS maps。</entry>



  <sect1 id="disk-organization">

      <para> FreeBSD 用來尋找檔案的最小單位就是檔案的名稱了。
	檔案的名稱有大小寫之分,所以說 <filename>readme.txt</filename>
	和 <filename>README.TXT</filename> 是兩個不同的檔案。
	FreeBSD 並不使用副檔名 (<filename>.txt</filename>)


        如果您有一個目錄 <filename>foo</filename> ,裡面有一個目錄叫作
        <filename>bar</filename> ,這個目錄中又包含了一個叫 
        <filename>foo/bar/readme.txt</filename> 。</para>

	(root directory)</firstterm>。然後在這個根目錄下面才能有其他的目錄。

	還是有些不一樣的地方就是了,例如 &ms-dos; 用 <literal>\</literal>
	當檔案和目錄名稱的分隔符號,而 &macos; 則是用 <literal>:</literal>

      <para>FreeBSD 的路徑中並沒有使用磁碟機代號或其他的磁碟名稱。 
        因此,您不可以使用像 <filename>c:/foo/bar/readme.txt</filename> 

      <para>相對的,在 FreeBSD 
        根檔案系統的根目錄由 <literal>/</literal> 表示。 
	然後其他的檔案系統再<firstterm>掛載 (mount)</firstterm> 
	在根檔案系統之下。因此無論您的 FreeBSD 

      <para>假設您有三個檔案系統,分別叫作 <literal>A</literal>、
        <literal>B</literal> 及 <literal>C</literal> 。
        <literal>A1</literal>、<literal>A2</literal> (依此類推得 
        <literal>B1</literal>、<literal>B2</literal> 及 

      <para>稱 <literal>A</literal> 為主要的檔案系統;如果您用 
	<command>ls</command> 指令查看此目錄的內容,您會看到兩個子目錄: 
	<literal>A1</literal> 及 <literal>A2</literal> ,如下所示:</para>

	  <imagedata fileref="install/example-dir1" format="EPS">

	  <literallayout class="monospaced"> /
 +--- A1
 `--- A2</literallayout>

	因此,假設您將 <literal>B</literal> 掛載於 <literal>A1</literal>
	之上,則 <literal>B</literal> 的根目錄就變成了 
	<literal>A1</literal>,而在 <literal>B</literal> 

	  <imagedata fileref="install/example-dir2" format="EPS">

	  <literallayout class="monospaced"> /
 +--- A1
 |     |
 |     +--- B1
 |     |
 |     `--- B2
 `--- A2</literallayout>

      <para>在 <literal>B1</literal> 或	<literal>B2</literal> 
	目錄中的任何檔案必須經由路徑 <filename>/A1/B1</filename> 
	或 <filename>/A1/B2</filename> 才能達到。
        所有原來在 <filename>/A1</filename> 中的檔案會暫時被隱藏起來,直到 
	<literal>B</literal> 被「<firstterm>移除 

      <para>如果 <literal>B</literal> 掛載在 <literal>A2</literal> 

	  <imagedata fileref="install/example-dir3" format="EPS">

	  <literallayout class="monospaced"> /
 +--- A1
 `--- A2
       +--- B1
       `--- B2</literallayout>

      <para>上面的路徑分別為 <filename>/A2/B1</filename> 及 

	延續之前的例子,<literal>C</literal> 檔案系統可以掛在檔案系統
	<literal>B</literal> 的 <literal>B1</literal> 目錄之上,如圖所示:

	  <imagedata fileref="install/example-dir4" format="EPS">
	  <literallayout class="monospaced"> /
 +--- A1
 `--- A2
       +--- B1
       |     |
       |     +--- C1
       |     |
       |     `--- C2
       `--- B2</literallayout>

      <para>或者 <literal>C</literal> 直接掛載於 <literal>A</literal> 的
        <literal>A1</literal> 目錄之上:</para>

	  <imagedata fileref="install/example-dir5" format="EPS">

	  <literallayout class="monospaced"> /
 +--- A1
 |     |
 |     +--- C1
 |     |
 |     `--- C2
 `--- A2
       +--- B1
       `--- B2</literallayout>

      <para>如果您熟悉 &ms-dos; 的話,這和 <command>join</command>
	指令很類似 (雖然不儘相同)。</para>

	除非您要安裝新的磁碟,不然通常在您安裝 FreeBSD 

      <para>您完全可以使用單一的一個大的根檔案系統 (root file system) 
	而不建立其他的檔案系統。 這樣有好處也有有壞處。</para>

	    將使用者可寫入的檔案系統 (例如 <filename>/home</filename>) 
	    獨立出來也可以讓他們用 <firstterm>nosuid</firstterm> 
	    bits 失效,也許可以讓系統更安全。</para>

	  <para>FreeBSD 會自動根據您檔案系統的使用方式來做最佳的檔案配置方式。
	    因此,一個有很多小檔案、常常寫入的檔案系統跟只有幾個較大的檔案的檔案系統配置是不一樣的。 如果您只有單一一個大的檔案系統,這部分就沒用了。</para>
	  <para>FreeBSD 的檔案系統在停電的時候很穩固。 


	    您當初安裝 FreeBSD 

	    <para>FreeBSD&nbsp;4.4 之後的版本有一個指令: &man.growfs.8;
        因為 &os; 承襲 &unix 架構,這邊講的分割區和一般提到的分割區 
	(例如 &ms-dos; 分割區) 不同。 每一個分割區由一個代號(字母)表示,從 
	<literal>a</literal> 到 <literal>h</literal>。

      <para>FreeBSD 也會拿磁碟空間來當 <firstterm>swap space</firstterm>。
        Swap space 給 FreeBSD 當作<firstterm>虛擬記憶體</firstterm>用。
        當 FreeBSD 的記憶體用完的時候,它會把一些目前沒用到的資料移到 
	swap space,然後在用到的時候移回去 (同時移出部份沒用到的)。</para>


      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
	<tgroup cols="2">
	  <colspec colwidth="1*">
	  <colspec colwidth="5*">



	  <tbody valign="top">

	      <entry>通常包含根檔案系統 (root file system)</entry>


	      <entry>通常是 swap space</entry>


	      <entry>通常和整個 slice 的大小一樣,給一些會用到整個 slice 
		的工具程式 (例如硬碟壞軌檢查工具) 來使用。


	      <entry>分割區 <literal>d</literal> 
		所以現在 <literal>d</literal> 

	<firstterm>slice</firstterm> 裡面。
        FreeBSD 的 slice 就是指平常我們稱為分割區 (partition) 的東西。
        同樣地,會這樣子稱呼也是因為 FreeBSD 的 &unix; 色彩。
        而 slice 是有編號的,從 1 號編到 4 號。</para>

	<indexterm><primary>dangerously dedicated</primary></indexterm>

      <para>slice 號碼跟在裝置名稱後面,先接一個字母 
	<literal>s</literal>,然後從 1 號開始編下去。
        因此 <quote>da0<emphasis>s1</emphasis></quote> 就是指第一個 SCSI 
	硬碟的第一個 slice。 一個磁碟上只能有四個實體的 slice,但是在實體的
	slice 中您可以塞進適當類型的邏輯 slice。 這些延伸的 slice 編號從 5 
	開始,所以 <quote>ad0<emphasis>s5</emphasis></quote> 是第一個 IDE
	硬碟上的第一個延伸 slice。 檔案系統在裝置 (device) 裡就是在一個 slice

      <para>Slices、<quote>dangerously dedicated</quote>
	<quote>da0<emphasis>a</emphasis></quote> 是磁碟機 da 上的第一個
	<quote>dangerously dedicated</quote>模式之分割區。
	而 <quote>ad1s3<emphasis>e</emphasis></quote> 
        則是第二顆 IDE 硬碟上第三個 slice 的第五個分割區。</para>
        這邊跟 slice 每個磁碟編號從 0 開始不一樣。
        常見的代碼可以參考 <xref linkend="basics-dev-codes">.</para>

      <para>當要參照一個分割區的時候,FreeBSD 需要您一併輸入包含這個分割區的 
	slice 及磁碟機名稱;當要參照一個 slice 的時候,也必須輸入包含這個 
	slice 的磁碟名稱。 怎麼做呢? 首先先列出磁碟名稱,然後 
	<literal>s</literal> 加上 slice 編號,最後再輸入分割區字母代號。
        範例可以參考 <xref linkend="basics-disk-slice-part">.</para>

      <para><xref linkend="basics-concept-disk-model"> 

      <para>要安裝 FreeBSD,您必須先建置磁碟的 slice,接著於 slice 中建立要給
	FreeBSD 用的分割區。 最後在這些分割區中建立檔案系統 (或 swap space)

      <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="basics-dev-codes">

	<tgroup cols="2">
          <colspec colwidth="1*">
          <colspec colwidth="5*">



	      <entry>ATAPI (IDE) 磁碟機</entry>

	      <entry>SCSI 直接存取磁碟機</entry>
	      <entry>ATAPI (IDE) 光碟機</entry>
	      <entry>SCSI 光碟機</entry>
      <example id="basics-disk-slice-part">
	<title>磁碟、slice 及分割區命名範例</title>
	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
	  <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colwidth="1*">
            <colspec colwidth="5*">

            <entry>第一個 IDE 硬碟 (<literal>ad0</literal>) 上第一個 slice 
                (<literal>s1</literal>) 的第一個分割區 (<literal>a</literal>)。

            <entry>第二個 SCSI 硬碟 (<literal>da1</literal>) 上第二個 slice 
                (<literal>s2</literal>) 的第五個分割區 (<literal>e</literal>)。

      <example id="basics-concept-disk-model">

	<para>此圖顯示 FreeBSD 中接到系統的第一個 IDE 磁碟機內部配置圖。
	  假設這個磁碟的容量是 4&nbsp;GB,並且包含了兩個 2&nbsp;GB 的 slice
	  (&ms-dos; 的分割區)。 第一個 slice 是 DOS 的 
	  <devicename>C:</devicename> 磁碟機,第二個則安裝了 FreeBSD。
	  本範例之 FreeBSD 有三個分割區以及一個 swap 分割區。</para>

	  <literal>a</literal> 分割是根 (root) 檔案系統;分割 
	  <literal>e</literal> 是 <filename>/var</filename>;而 
	  <literal>f</literal> 分割是 <filename>/usr</filename> 

            <imagedata fileref="install/disk-layout" format="EPS">
	    <literallayout class="monospaced">.-----------------.  --.
|                 |    |
|  DOS / Windows  |    |
:                 :     >  First slice, ad0s1
:                 :    |
|                 |    |
:=================:  ==:                               --.
|                 |    |  Partition a, mounted as /      |
|                 |     > referred to as ad0s2a          |
|                 |    |                                 |
:-----------------:  ==:                                 |
|                 |    |  Partition b, used as swap      |
|                 |     > referred to as ad0s2b          |
|                 |    |                                 |
:-----------------:  ==:                                 |  Partition c, no
|                 |    |  Partition e, used as /var       > file system, all 
|                 |     > referred to as ad0s2e          |  of FreeBSD slice,
|                 |    |                                 |  ad0s2c
:-----------------:  ==:                                 |
|                 |    |                                 |
:                 :    |  Partition f, used as /usr      |
:                 :     > referred to as ad0s2f          |
:                 :    |                                 |
|                 |    |                                 |
|                 |  --'                                 |
`-----------------'                                    --'</literallayout>

  <sect1 id="mount-unmount">

    <para>檔案系統就像一顆樹。 <filename>/</filename>
      就像是樹根,而 <filename>/dev</filename>,<filename>/usr</filename>
      <filename>/usr/local</filename> 等。</para>

    <para> 因為某些原因,我們會將一些目錄分別放在不同的檔案系統上。
      如 <filename>/var</filename> 包含了可能會滿出來的 
      <filename>/var</filename> 從 <filename>/</filename> 中拉出來。</para>

      像是<link linkend="network-nfs">網路檔案系統</link> 
      (Network File System) 或是光碟機。</para>

    <sect2 id="disks-fstab">
      <title> <filename>fstab</filename> 檔</title>
	<primary>檔案系統 file systems</primary>
	<secondary>由fstab掛載 mounted with fstab</secondary>

      <para>在 <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 
        裡面有設定的檔案系統會在<link linkend="boot">開機</link>的過程中自動地被掛載
        (除非該檔案系統有被加上 <option>noauto</option> 參數)。</para>

      <para><filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 檔案內容的格式如下:</para>

      <programlisting><replaceable>device</replaceable>       <replaceable>/mount-point</replaceable> <replaceable>fstype</replaceable>     <replaceable>options</replaceable>      <replaceable>dumpfreq</replaceable>     <replaceable>passno</replaceable></programlisting>

	    <para>裝置名稱 (該裝置必須真的存在)。 詳情請參閱
	      <xref linkend="disks-naming">.</para>

	  <listitem><para>檔案系統要掛載到的目錄 (該目錄必須真的存在)。</para>
	  <listitem><para>檔案系統類型,這是要傳給 &man.mount.8; 的參數。 
              FreeBSD 預設的檔案系統是 <literal>ufs</literal>。</para>
          <para> 可讀可寫的檔案系統用 
            常見的選項如 <option>noauto</option> 
            其他更多的選項可以在 &man.mount.8; 裡面找到。</para>
	    <para> &man.dump.8; 由此項目決定那些檔案系統需要傾印。


	      對於要跳過檢查的檔案系統,它們的 <literal>passno</literal> 
	      值要設為零。 根檔案系統的 <literal>passno</literal> 值應設為一 
	      <literal>passno</literal> 值應該要設得比一大。
	      若有多個檔案系統具有相同的 <literal>passno</literal> 值,則
	      &man.fsck.8; 會試著平行地(如果可能的話)檢查這些檔案系統。

      <para>更多關於 <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 
	檔案格式及選項的資訊請參閱 &man.fstab.5; 說明文件。</para>

    <sect2 id="disks-mount">
      <title><command>mount</command> 指令</title>
	<primary>檔案系統 file systems</primary>
	<secondary>掛載 mounting</secondary>
      <para> &man.mount.8; 指令是拿來掛載檔案系統用的。</para>

	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount <replaceable>device</replaceable> <replaceable>mountpoint</replaceable></userinput></screen>

      <para>在 &man.mount.8; 


	    <para> 把 <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> 
	      裡面所有還沒有被掛載、沒有被標記成 <quote>noauto</quote> 
	      而且沒有用 <option>-t</option> 排除的檔案系統掛載起來。</para>
	    <para>執行所有的動作,但是不真的去呼叫掛載的 system call。
	      這個選項和 <option>-v</option> 搭配拿來推測 &man.mount.8;

	    <para>強迫掛載不乾淨的檔案系統 (危險),或是用來強制取消寫入權限
	    <para>用唯讀的方式掛載檔案系統。 這個選項和在 <option>-o</option>
	      選項中指定 <option>ro</option> (在 &os; 5.2之前的版本是用
	      <option>rdonly</option>) 參數是一樣的。</para>

	    <para> 用指定的檔案系統型態 (fstype) 
	      來掛載指定的檔案系統,或是在有 <option>-a</option>
	    <para>預設的檔案系統是 <quote>ufs</quote>。</para>
      <para> <option>-o</option> 
	    <para>不解析檔案系統上的 setuid 或 setgid 旗標,這也是一個蠻有用的安全選項。</para>

    <sect2 id="disks-umount">
      <title><command>umount</command> 指令</title>
	<primary>檔案系統 file systems</primary>
	<secondary>卸載 unmounting</secondary>
        <para>&man.umount.8; 指令的參數可以是掛載點 
	  (mountpoint),裝置名稱,以及 <option>-a</option> 或是 
	  <option>-A</option> 等選項。</para>

        <para>加上 <option>-f</option> 可以強制卸載,加上 <option>-v</option>
	  則是會顯示詳細資訊。 要注意的是一般來說用 <option>-f</option> 
        <para><option>-a</option> 和 <option>-A</option> 
          是用來卸載所有已掛載的檔案系統,另外還可以用 <option>-t</option>
          來指定要卸載的是哪些種類的檔案系統。 要注意的是 <option>-A</option>


  <sect1 id="basics-processes">

    <para>FreeBSD 是一個多工的作業系統,也就是說在同一時間內可以跑超過一個程式。
      每一個正在花時間跑的程式就叫做 <firstterm>程序 (process)</firstterm>。

    <para>每一個程序都有一個不重覆的數字叫做 <firstterm>process ID
      </firstterm>,或稱為 <firstterm>PID
	(前面有提到過檔案權限)。 大部份的程序都有父程序。 
	父程序是開啟這個程序的程序,例如:您對 shell 輸入指令,shell
	每一個您用這種方式跑的程序的父程序都是 shell。
        有一個特別的程序叫做 &man.init.8; 是個例外。 <command>init</command>
	永遠是第一個程序,所以他的 PID 一直都會是 1。 在 FreeBSD 開機的時候 
	<command>init</command> 會自動地被 kernel 開啟。</para>
    <para> 要看系統執行中的程序,有兩個相當有用的指令可用:
      &; 以及 &;。<command>ps</command> 
      指令只會秀出您所擁有的的程序。 例如:</para>
    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ps</userinput>
  298  p0  Ss     0:01.10 tcsh
 7078  p0  S      2:40.88 xemacs mdoc.xsl (xemacs-21.1.14)
37393  p0  I      0:03.11 xemacs freebsd.dsl (xemacs-21.1.14)
48630  p0  S      2:50.89 /usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/
48730  p0  IW     0:00.00 (dns helper) (navigator-linux-)
72210  p0  R+     0:00.00 ps
  390  p1  Is     0:01.14 tcsh
 7059  p2  Is+    1:36.18 /usr/local/bin/mutt -y
 6688  p3  IWs    0:00.00 tcsh
10735  p4  IWs    0:00.00 tcsh
20256  p5  IWs    0:00.00 tcsh
  262  v0  IWs    0:00.00 -tcsh (tcsh)
  270  v0  IW+    0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/X11R6/bin/startx -- -bpp 16
  280  v0  IW+    0:00.00 xinit /home/nik/.xinitrc -- -bpp 16
  284  v0  IW     0:00.00 /bin/sh /home/nik/.xinitrc
  285  v0  S      0:38.45 /usr/X11R6/bin/sawfish</screen>

    <para>在這個範例裡可以看到 &; 的輸出分成好幾個欄位。
      <literal>PID</literal> 就是前面有提到的 process ID。 PID 的分配是從
      1 開始一直到 99999,如果用完的話又會繞回來重頭開始分配。
      <literal>TT</literal> 欄位是指這個程式在哪個 tty 
      上執行,在這裡可以先忽略不管。 <literal>STAT</literal> 
      是程式的狀態,也可以先不要管。 <literal>TIME</literal> 是這個程式在 
      CPU 上執行的時間&mdash;
      這通常不是程式總共花的時間,因為當您開始執行程式後,大部份的程式在 CPU 
      上執行前會先花上不少時間等待。 最後,<literal>COMMAND</literal> 
      <literal>auxww</literal>。 <option>a</option> 
      顯示所有正在跑的程序的指令,不只是您自已的。 <option>u</option> 
      顯示程序的擁有者名稱以及記憶體使用情況。 <option>x</option>
      把 daemon 程序顯示出來,而 <option>ww</option> 讓 &;
    <para> &; 也有類似的輸出。 一般的情況看像是這樣:</para>

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>top</userinput>
last pid: 72257;  load averages:  0.13,  0.09,  0.03    up 0+13:38:33  22:39:10
47 processes:  1 running, 46 sleeping
CPU states: 12.6% user,  0.0% nice,  7.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 79.7% idle
Mem: 36M Active, 5256K Inact, 13M Wired, 6312K Cache, 15M Buf, 408K Free
Swap: 256M Total, 38M Used, 217M Free, 15% Inuse

72257 nik       28   0  1960K  1044K RUN      0:00 14.86%  1.42% top
 7078 nik        2   0 15280K 10960K select   2:54  0.88%  0.88% xemacs-21.1.14
  281 nik        2   0 18636K  7112K select   5:36  0.73%  0.73% XF86_SVGA
  296 nik        2   0  3240K  1644K select   0:12  0.05%  0.05% xterm
48630 nik        2   0 29816K  9148K select   3:18  0.00%  0.00% navigator-linu
  175 root       2   0   924K   252K select   1:41  0.00%  0.00% syslogd
 7059 nik        2   0  7260K  4644K poll     1:38  0.00%  0.00% mutt

    <para>輸出的資訊分成兩個部份。開頭 (前五行) 秀出最近一個程序的 
      PID、系統平均負載 (系統有多忙錄的測試)、系統的開機時間 
      (從上次重開算起) 以及現在的時間等。 
      (在本例中為47)、有多少記憶體及 swap space 
      被占用了,還有就是系統分別花了多少時間在不同的 CPU 狀態上。</para>

    <para>接下來的部份是由好幾個欄位所構成,和 &; 輸出的資訊類似。
      就如同前例,您可以看到 PID、使用者名稱、CPU 
      花費的時間以及正在執行的指令。 &; 
      在這邊會分成兩欄,一個是總用量 (total size),另一個是實際用量
      (resident size)&mdash;總用量是指這個應用程式需要的記憶體空間,而實際用量則是指實際上該程式的記憶體使用量。
      在這個例子裡面您可以看到 <application>&netscape;</application> 
      要了幾乎到 30 MB 的 RAM,但是只有用到 9 MB。</para>
    <para>&; 每隔 2 秒鐘會自動更新顯示內容,可用 <option>s</option> 

  <sect1 id="basics-daemons">

      可以這樣做是因為編輯器有提供這些功能,還有就是編輯器依附在一個<firstterm>終端機 (Terminal)
    <para>我們把這種程式稱作 <firstterm>daemon</firstterm>。 
      Daemon (惡魔、守護神) 
      這也就是為什麼 BSD 
      (譯註:習慣用法,不代表屬於邪惡陣營) 的原因。</para>

    <para>通常來說 deamon 程式的名字後面都會加一個字母 <quote>d</quote>。
      <application>BIND</application> 是 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon 
      的縮寫 (通常實際上執行的程式名稱是 <command>named</command>)、Apache
      這是一種習慣用法,沒有硬性規定,例如 <application>Sendmail</application>
      主要的寄信 daemon 是叫做 <command>sendmail</command> 而不是 

    <para>在有些時候您會遇需要跟某個 daemon 程序溝通的情況。
      這些溝通是由<firstterm>信號 (signal) </firstterm>來達成的。
      藉由送出信號,您可以和一個 daemon (或是任何一個正在跑的程序) 溝通。
      您只能送信號給您擁有的程序,送 &man.kill.1; 或 &man.kill.2;
      的信號給別人的程序是不被允許的。 不過 <username> root </username>

    <para>FreeBSD 本身在某些情況也會送信號給應用程式。
      會送一個 <firstterm>Segmentation Violation</firstterm> 信號 
      (<literal>SIGSEGV</literal>) 給這個程序。 
      又如果有一個應用程式用了 &man.alarm.3; 的 system call 
      (<literal>SIGALRM</literal>) 就會被送出了,其他的依此類推。</para>

    <para><literal>SIGTERM</literal> and <literal>SIGKILL</literal> 
      這兩個信號可以拿來終止程序。 用 <literal>SIGTERM</literal> 
      結束程序是比較有禮貌的方式,該程序會<emphasis>捕捉 (catch) </emphasis>
    <para><literal>SIGKILL</literal> 就沒有辦法被程序忽略了。
      如果您送了 <literal>SIGKILL</literal> 信號給某個程序,FreeBSD
    <para> 不完全正確&mdash;還是有少數東西不能被中斷。
    <para> 這些是其他您有可能會要用到的信號: 
      大部份的 daemon 都寫成會去回應 <literal>SIGHUP</literal>。
      因此您可以用送 <literal>SIGHUP</literal> 信號來取代關掉重開。
      又因為沒有標準在規範如何回應這些信號,不同的 daemon 
      可能會有不同的行為,所以有疑問的話請先確認並翻閱 deamon 的說明文件。</para>
    <para>信號是由 &man.kill.1; 指令送出的,如範例所示:</para>

      <para>這個範例將會示範如何送一個信號給 &man.inetd.8;。
        <command>inetd</command> 的設定檔是
        <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>,而 <command>inetd</command>
        會在收到 <literal>SIGHUP</literal> 的時候重新讀取這個設定檔。</para>

    <para>找出您想要送信號的那個程序的 ID。 您會用到 &; 以及 &man.grep.1; 
      這兩個指令。 &man.grep.1; 是用來在輸出中搜尋,找出您指定的字串。
      這個指令是由一般使用者執行,而 &man.inetd.8; 是由 <username>root</username>
      執行,所以在使用 &; 時需要加上 <option>ax</option> 選項。 </para>

	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ps -ax | grep inetd</userinput>
  198  ??  IWs    0:00.00 inetd -wW</screen>

    <para>因此可得 &man.inetd.8; 之 PID 為 198。 在某些情況下
      <literal>grep inetd</literal> 這個指令本身也會出現在輸出裡。
      這是因為 &; 找執行中的程序的方式造成的。 </para>

    <para>用 &man.kill.1; 來送信號。 又因為 &man.inetd.8; 是由 
      <username>root</username> 執行的,您必須用 &; 切換成

	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>su</userinput>
&prompt.root; <userinput>/bin/kill -s HUP 198</userinput></screen>

    <para>一般情況對大多數 &unix; 指令來講,當 &man.kill.1; 
      <errorname>kill: <replaceable>PID</replaceable>: Operation not
        permitted</errorname>。 而如果您打錯 PID 的話,
      PID,那您就只會看到 <errorname>kill:
        <replaceable>PID</replaceable>: No such process</errorname>

      <title>為什麼用 <command>/bin/kill</command>?</title>
      <para>很多 shell 有提供內建的 <command>kill</command> 指令。
        也就是說這種 shell 會直接送信號,而不是執行
        這樣是蠻方便的沒錯啦,但是不同的 shell 會有不同的語法來指定信號的名稱等。
        與其嘗試去把它們通通學會,不如就單純的直接用 <command>/bin/kill 
        <replaceable>...</replaceable></command> 吧。</para>

      <literal>TERM</literal> 或 <literal>KILL</literal> 
        特別是 &man.init.8;, process ID 1,一個非常特別的程序。
        執行 <command>/bin/kill -s KILL 1</command> 
        的結果就是系統立刻關機。 因此在您按下 <keycap>Return</keycap> 
        要執行 &man.kill.1;<emphasis>之前</emphasis>,

  <sect1 id="shells">
    <indexterm><primary>command line</primary></indexterm>

    <para>In FreeBSD, a lot of everyday work is done in a command line
      interface called a shell.  A shell's main job is to take commands
      from the input channel and execute them.  A lot of shells also have
      built in functions to help everyday tasks such as file management,
      file globbing, command line editing, command macros, and environment
      variables.  FreeBSD comes with a set of shells, such as 
      <command>sh</command>, the Bourne Shell, and <command>tcsh</command>, 
      the improved C-shell.  Many other shells are available
      from the FreeBSD Ports Collection, such as
      <command>zsh</command> and <command>bash</command>.</para>

    <para>Which shell do you use?  It is really a matter of taste.  If you
      are a C programmer you might feel more comfortable with a C-like shell
      such as <command>tcsh</command>.  If you have come from Linux or are new 
      to a &unix; command line interface you might try <command>bash</command>.  
      The point is that each
      shell has unique properties that may or may not work with your
      preferred working environment, and that you have a choice of what
      shell to use.</para>

    <para>One common feature in a shell is filename completion.  Given
      the typing of the first few letters of a command or filename, you
      can usually have the shell automatically complete the rest of the
      command or filename by hitting the <keycap>Tab</keycap> key on the keyboard.  Here is
      an example.  Suppose you have two files called
      <filename>foobar</filename> and <filename></filename>.  You
      want to delete <filename></filename>.  So what you would type
      on the keyboard is: <command>rm fo[<keycap>Tab</keycap>].[<keycap>Tab</keycap>]</command>.</para>

    <para>The shell would print out <command>rm

    <para>The [BEEP] is the console bell, which is the shell telling me it
      was unable to totally complete the filename because there is more
      than one match.  Both <filename>foobar</filename> and
      <filename></filename> start with <literal>fo</literal>, but
      it was able to complete to <literal>foo</literal>.  If you type in
      <literal>.</literal>, then hit <keycap>Tab</keycap> again, the shell would be able to
      fill in the rest of the filename for you.</para>
    <indexterm><primary>environment variables</primary></indexterm>

    <para>Another feature of the shell is the use of environment variables.
      Environment variables are a variable key pair stored in the shell's
      environment space.  This space can be read by any program invoked by
      the shell, and thus contains a lot of program configuration.  Here
      is a list of common environment variables and what they mean:</para>
    <indexterm><primary>environment variables</primary></indexterm>

    <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
      <tgroup cols="2">

	    <entry>Current logged in user's name.</entry>

	    <entry>Colon separated list of directories to search for

	    <entry>Network name of the X11 display to connect to, if

	    <entry>The current shell.</entry>

	    <entry>The name of the user's terminal.  Used to determine the
	      capabilities of the terminal.</entry>

	    <entry>Database entry of the terminal escape codes to perform
	      various terminal functions.</entry>

	    <entry>Type of operating system.  e.g., FreeBSD.</entry>

	    <entry>The CPU architecture that the system is running

	    <entry>The user's preferred text editor.</entry>

	    <entry>The user's preferred text pager.</entry>

	    <entry>Colon separated list of directories to search for
	      manual pages.</entry>

    <indexterm><primary>Bourne shells</primary></indexterm>
    <para>Setting an environment variable differs somewhat from
      shell to shell.  For example, in the C-Style shells such as
      <command>tcsh</command> and <command>csh</command>, you would use
      <command>setenv</command> to set environment variables.
      Under Bourne shells such as <command>sh</command> and
      <command>bash</command>, you would use
      <command>export</command> to set your current environment
      variables.  For example, to set or modify the
      <envar>EDITOR</envar> environment variable, under <command>csh</command> or 
      <command>tcsh</command> a
      command like this would set <envar>EDITOR</envar> to

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/emacs</userinput></screen>

    <para>Under Bourne shells:</para>

    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>export EDITOR="/usr/local/bin/emacs"</userinput></screen>

    <para>You can also make most shells expand the environment variable by
      placing a <literal>$</literal> character in front of it on the
      command line.  For example, <command>echo $TERM</command> would
      print out whatever <envar>$TERM</envar> is set to, because the shell
      expands <envar>$TERM</envar> and passes it on to <command>echo</command>.</para>

    <para>Shells treat a lot of special characters, called meta-characters
      as special representations of data.  The most common one is the
      <literal>*</literal> character, which represents any number of
      characters in a filename.  These special meta-characters can be used
      to do filename globbing.  For example, typing in
      <command>echo *</command> is almost the same as typing in
      <command>ls</command> because the shell takes all the files that
      match <literal>*</literal> and puts them on the command line for
      <command>echo</command> to see.</para>

    <para>To prevent the shell from interpreting these special characters,
      they can be escaped from the shell by putting a backslash
      (<literal>\</literal>) character in front of them.  <command>echo
      $TERM</command> prints whatever your terminal is set to.
      <command>echo \$TERM</command> prints <envar>$TERM</envar> as

    <sect2 id="changing-shells">
      <title>Changing Your Shell</title>

      <para>The easiest way to change your shell is to use the
	<command>chsh</command> command.  Running <command>chsh</command> will
	place you into the editor that is in your <envar>EDITOR</envar>
	environment variable; if it is not set, you will be placed in
	<command>vi</command>.  Change the <quote>Shell:</quote> line

      <para>You can also give <command>chsh</command> the
	<option>-s</option> option; this will set your shell for you,
	without requiring you to enter an editor.  
	For example, if you wanted to
	change your shell to <command>bash</command>, the following should do the
      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash</userinput></screen>

	<para>The shell that you wish to use <emphasis>must</emphasis> be
	  present in the <filename>/etc/shells</filename> file.  If you
	  have installed a shell from the <link linkend="ports">ports
	  collection</link>, then this should have been done for you
	  already.  If you installed the shell by hand, you must do
      <para>For example, if you installed <command>bash</command> by hand
	and placed it into <filename>/usr/local/bin</filename>, you would
	want to:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>echo &quot;/usr/local/bin/bash&quot; &gt;&gt; /etc/shells</userinput></screen>

       <para>Then rerun <command>chsh</command>.</para>

  <sect1 id="editors">
    <indexterm><primary>text editors</primary></indexterm>

    <para>A lot of configuration in FreeBSD is done by editing text files.
      Because of this, it would be a good idea to become familiar
      with a text editor.  FreeBSD comes with a few as part of the base
      system, and many more are available in the Ports Collection.</para>

    <para>The easiest and simplest editor to learn is an editor called
      <application>ee</application>, which stands for easy editor.  To
      start <application>ee</application>, one would type at the command
      line <command>ee <replaceable>filename</replaceable></command> where
      <replaceable>filename</replaceable> is the name of the file to be edited.
      For example, to edit <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>, type in
      <command>ee /etc/rc.conf</command>.  Once inside of 
      <command>ee</command>, all of the
      commands for manipulating the editor's functions are listed at the
      top of the display. The caret <literal>^</literal> character represents
      the <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key on the keyboard, so <literal>^e</literal> expands to the key combination
      <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>e</keycap></keycombo>.  To leave
      <application>ee</application>, hit the <keycap>Esc</keycap> key, then choose leave
      editor.  The editor will prompt you to save any changes if the file
      has been modified.</para>

    <para>FreeBSD also comes with more powerful text editors such as
      <application>vi</application> as part of the base system, while other editors, like
      <application>Emacs</application> and <application>vim</application>,
      are part of the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<filename role="package">editors/emacs</filename> and <filename role="package">editors/vim</filename>).  These editors offer much
      more functionality and power at the expense of being a little more
      complicated to learn.  However if you plan on doing a lot of text
      editing, learning a more powerful editor such as
      <application>vim</application> or <application>Emacs</application>
      will save you much more time in the long run.</para>

  <sect1 id="basics-devices">
    <title>Devices and Device Nodes</title>

    <para>A device is a term used mostly for hardware-related
      activities in a system, including disks, printers, graphics
      cards, and keyboards.  When FreeBSD boots, the majority
      of what FreeBSD displays are devices being detected.
      You can look through the boot messages again by viewing

    <para>For example, <devicename>acd0</devicename> is the
      first IDE CDROM drive, while <devicename>kbd0</devicename>
      represents the keyboard.</para>

    <para>Most of these devices in a &unix; operating system must be
      accessed through special files called device nodes, which are
      located in the <filename>/dev</filename> directory.</para>

      <title>Creating Device Nodes</title>
      <para>When adding a new device to your system, or compiling
	in support for additional devices, you may need to create one or
	more device nodes for the new devices.</para>

	<title>MAKEDEV Script</title>
	<para>On systems without <literal>DEVFS</literal> (this concerns all FreeBSD versions before 5.0), device nodes are created
	  using the &man.MAKEDEV.8; script as shown below:</para>

	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /dev</userinput>
&prompt.root; <userinput>sh MAKEDEV ad1</userinput>

	<para>This example would make the proper device nodes
	  for the second IDE drive when installed.</para>

	<title><literal>DEVFS</literal> (DEVice File System)</title>

	<para> The device file system, or <literal>DEVFS</literal>, provides access to
	  kernel's device namespace in the global file system namespace.
	  Instead of having to create and modify device nodes,
	  <literal>DEVFS</literal> maintains this particular file system for you.</para>

	<para>See the &man.devfs.5; manual page for more

	<para><literal>DEVFS</literal> is used by default in FreeBSD&nbsp;5.0 and above.</para>

  <sect1 id="binary-formats">
    <title>Binary Formats</title>

    <para>To understand why &os; uses the &man.elf.5;
      format, you must first know a little about the three currently
      <quote>dominant</quote> executable formats for &unix;:</para>


        <para>The oldest and <quote>classic</quote> &unix; object
          format.  It uses a short and compact header with a magic
          number at the beginning that is often used to characterize
          the format (see &man.a.out.5; for more details).  It
          contains three loaded segments: .text, .data, and .bss plus
          a symbol table and a string table.</para>


        <para>The SVR3 object format.  The header now comprises a
          section table, so you can have more than just .text, .data,
          and .bss sections.</para>


        <para>The successor to <acronym>COFF</acronym>, featuring
          multiple sections and 32-bit or 64-bit possible values.  One
          major drawback: <acronym>ELF</acronym> was also designed
          with the assumption that there would be only one ABI per
          system architecture.  That assumption is actually quite
          incorrect, and not even in the commercial SYSV world (which
          has at least three ABIs: SVR4, Solaris, SCO) does it hold

        <para>FreeBSD tries to work around this problem somewhat by
          providing a utility for <emphasis>branding</emphasis> a
          known <acronym>ELF</acronym> executable with information
          about the ABI it is compliant with.  See the manual page for
          &man.brandelf.1; for more information.</para>

    <para>FreeBSD comes from the <quote>classic</quote> camp and used
      the &man.a.out.5; format, a technology tried and proven through
      many generations of BSD releases, until the beginning of the 3.X
      branch. Though it was possible to build and run native
      <acronym>ELF</acronym> binaries (and kernels) on a FreeBSD
      system for some time before that, FreeBSD initially resisted the
      <quote>push</quote> to switch to <acronym>ELF</acronym> as the
      default format. Why?  Well, when the Linux camp made their
      painful transition to <acronym>ELF</acronym>, it was not so much
      to flee the <filename>a.out</filename> executable format as it
      was their inflexible jump-table based shared library mechanism,
      which made the construction of shared libraries very difficult
      for vendors and developers alike. Since the
      <acronym>ELF</acronym> tools available offered a solution to the
      shared library problem and were generally seen as <quote>the way
      forward</quote> anyway, the migration cost was accepted as
      necessary and the transition made.  FreeBSD's shared library
      mechanism is based more closely on Sun's
      &sunos; style shared library mechanism
      and, as such, is very easy to use.</para>

    <para>So, why are there so many different formats?</para>

    <para>Back in the dim, dark past, there was simple hardware.  This
      simple hardware supported a simple, small system. <filename>a.out</filename> was
      completely adequate for the job of representing binaries on this
      simple system (a PDP-11). As people ported &unix; from this simple
      system, they retained the <filename>a.out</filename> format because it was sufficient
      for the early ports of &unix; to architectures like the Motorola
      68k, VAXen, etc.</para>

    <para>Then some bright hardware engineer decided that if he could
      force software to do some sleazy tricks, then he would be able
      to shave a few gates off the design and allow his CPU core to
      run faster. While it was made to work with this new kind of
      hardware (known these days as <acronym>RISC</acronym>), <filename>a.out</filename>
      was ill-suited for this hardware, so many formats were developed
      to get to a better performance from this hardware than the
      limited, simple <filename>a.out</filename> format could
      offer. Things like <acronym>COFF</acronym>,
      <acronym>ECOFF</acronym>, and a few obscure others were invented
      and their limitations explored before things seemed to settle on

    <para>In addition, program sizes were getting huge and disks (and
      physical memory) were still relatively small so the concept of a
      shared library was born. The VM system also became more
      sophisticated. While each one of these advancements was done
      using the <filename>a.out</filename> format, its usefulness was
      stretched more and more with each new feature.  In addition,
      people wanted to dynamically load things at run time, or to junk
      parts of their program after the init code had run to save in
      core memory and swap space. Languages became more sophisticated
      and people wanted code called before main automatically. Lots of
      hacks were done to the <filename>a.out</filename> format to
      allow all of these things to happen, and they basically worked
      for a time. In time, <filename>a.out</filename> was not up to
      handling all these problems without an ever increasing overhead
      in code and complexity. While <acronym>ELF</acronym> solved many
      of these problems, it would be painful to switch from the system
      that basically worked. So <acronym>ELF</acronym> had to wait
      until it was more painful to remain with
      <filename>a.out</filename> than it was to migrate to

    <para>However, as time passed, the build tools that FreeBSD
      derived their build tools from (the assembler and loader
      especially) evolved in two parallel trees. The FreeBSD tree
      added shared libraries and fixed some bugs. The GNU folks that
      originally wrote these programs rewrote them and added simpler
      support for building cross compilers, plugging in different
      formats at will, and so on. Since many people wanted to build cross
      compilers targeting FreeBSD, they were out of luck since the
      older sources that FreeBSD had for <application>as</application> and <application>ld</application> were not up to the
      task. The new GNU tools chain (<application>binutils</application>) does support cross
      compiling, <acronym>ELF</acronym>, shared libraries, C++
      extensions, etc. In addition, many vendors are releasing
      <acronym>ELF</acronym> binaries, and it is a good thing for
      FreeBSD to run them.</para>

    <para><acronym>ELF</acronym> is more expressive than <filename>a.out</filename> and
      allows more extensibility in the base system. The
      <acronym>ELF</acronym> tools are better maintained, and offer
      cross compilation support, which is important to many people.
      <acronym>ELF</acronym> may be a little slower than <filename>a.out</filename>, but
      trying to measure it can be difficult. There are also numerous
      details that are different between the two in how they map
      pages, handle init code, etc. None of these are very important,
      but they are differences. In time support for
      <filename>a.out</filename> will be moved out of the <filename>GENERIC</filename>
      kernel, and eventually removed from the kernel once the need to
      run legacy <filename>a.out</filename> programs is past.</para>

  <sect1 id="basics-more-information">

    <sect2 id="basics-man">
      <title>Manual Pages</title>
      <indexterm><primary>manual pages</primary></indexterm>

      <para>The most comprehensive documentation on FreeBSD is in the form
	of manual pages. Nearly every program on the system comes with a
	short reference manual explaining the basic operation and various
	arguments. These manuals can be viewed with the <command>man</command> command.  Use
	of the <command>man</command> command is simple:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>man <replaceable>command</replaceable></userinput></screen>

      <para><literal>command</literal> is the name of the command you
        wish to learn about.  For example, to learn more about
	<command>ls</command> command type:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>man ls</userinput></screen>

      <para>The online manual is divided up into numbered sections:</para>

	  <para>User commands.</para>

	  <para>System calls and error numbers.</para>

	  <para>Functions in the C libraries.</para>

	  <para>Device drivers.</para>

	  <para>File formats.</para>

	  <para>Games and other diversions.</para>

	  <para>Miscellaneous information.</para>

	  <para>System maintenance and operation commands.</para>

	  <para>Kernel developers.</para>

      <para>In some cases, the same topic may appear in more than one
	section of the online manual.  For example, there is a
	<command>chmod</command> user command and a
	<function>chmod()</function> system call.  In this case, you can
	tell the <command>man</command> command which one you want by specifying the

      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>man 1 chmod</userinput></screen>

      <para>This will display the manual page for the user command
        <command>chmod</command>. References to a particular section of
	the online manual are traditionally placed in parenthesis in
	written documentation, so &man.chmod.1; refers to the
	<command>chmod</command> user command and &man.chmod.2; refers to
	the system call.</para>

      <para>This is fine if you know the name of the command and simply
	wish to know how to use it, but what if you cannot recall the
	command name?  You can use <command>man</command> to search for keywords in the
	command descriptions by using the <option>-k</option>

      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>man -k mail</userinput></screen>

      <para>With this command you will be presented with a list of
        commands that have the keyword <quote>mail</quote> in their
	descriptions.  This is actually functionally equivalent to using
	the <command>apropos</command> command.</para>

      <para>So, you are looking at all those fancy commands in
	<filename>/usr/bin</filename> but do not have the faintest idea
	what most of them actually do?  Simply do:</para>

	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cd /usr/bin</userinput>
&prompt.user; <userinput>man -f *</userinput></screen>


	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cd /usr/bin</userinput>
&prompt.user; <userinput>whatis *</userinput></screen>

	<para>which does the same thing.</para>

    <sect2 id="basics-info">
      <title>GNU Info Files</title>
      <indexterm><primary>Free Software Foundation</primary></indexterm>

      <para>FreeBSD includes many applications and utilities produced by
	the Free Software Foundation (FSF).  In addition to manual pages,
	these programs come with more extensive hypertext documents called
	<literal>info</literal> files which can be viewed with the
	<command>info</command> command or, if you installed
	<application>emacs</application>, the info mode of

      <para>To use the &; command, simply type:</para>

      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>info</userinput></screen>

      <para>For a brief introduction, type <literal>h</literal>.  For a
	quick command reference, type <literal>?</literal>.</para>
     Local Variables:
     mode: sgml
     sgml-declaration: "../chapter.decl"
     sgml-indent-data: t
     sgml-omittag: nil
     sgml-always-quote-attributes: t
     sgml-parent-document: ("../book.sgml" "part" "chapter")


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