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Date:      Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:10:48 -0800
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
Subject:   Machine wedged on Nov 1 kernel (with DDB information)
Message-ID:  <>

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One of the gohan machines apparently wedged up (the kernel was
running, but the network stack was not responding to connection
requests).  Breaking into DDB from the console shows that the
following processes are running:

  pid   proc     addr    uid  ppid  pgrp  flag   stat  wmesg    wchan  cmd
70137 c550f700 d8e13000    0 70132 47867 0004000 norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] sed
70136 c6cf0c40 d931e000    0 70132 47867 0004000 norm[RUNQ] tr
70135 c527ac40 d8f7e000    0 70132 47867 0002000 norm[LOCK PCPU MAP ENTRY c083a868] sh
70134 c57f98c0 d8e8c000    0 70130 54326 0004000 norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] sed
70132 c6cde1c0 d91ef000    0 70121 47867 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cde1c0][SLP] sh
70131 c6cde000 d91ee000    0 69776 69769 0004000 norm[SLPQ  sbwait c4261164][SLP] cp
70130 c4ac6a80 d8f3c000    0 69779 54326 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac6a80][SLP] sh
70121 c57fbc40 d8e97000    0 70072 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4e11790][SLP] sh
70115 c4bf9540 d9041000    0   479    41 0004000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] sleep
70072 c550f8c0 d8e14000    0 70005 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550f8c0][SLP] make
70005 c526f700 d8f67000    0 69991 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c532b420][SLP] sh
69991 c4bfdc40 d904e000    0 69158 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bfdc40][SLP] make
69987 c6cf0a80 d92a3000    0 69985 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c48d42c0][SLP] as
69986 c6cf0380 d8dc9000    0 69985 93931 0004000 norm[RUNQ] cc1plus
69985 c4bf9e00 d9046000    0 25697 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bf9e00][SLP] g++
69779 c57f9000 d8e1d000    0 64122 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4e11d10][SLP] sh
69776 c4bf98c0 d9043000    0 69769 69769 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bf98c0][SLP] sh
69769 c6cd0540 d9148000    0 69757 69769 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d9148000][SLP] csh
69757 c57f9a80 d8e8d000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
69653 c60b6a80 d9103000    0 69651 21959 0004000 norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] ld
69651 c57fbe00 d8e98000    0 69060 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57fbe00][SLP] c++
69458 c4dc3380 d8ea0000    0 69457 66960 0004000 norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] bzip2
69457 c60b2540 d90ee000    0 69456 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4284d10][SLP] tar
69456 c526f540 d8f66000    0 69452 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c526f540][SLP] sh
69452 c4dc3700 d8ec7000    0 69451 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4dc3700][SLP] pkg_add
69451 c423dc40 d8d86000    0 67685 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423dc40][SLP] sh
69199 c5665e00 d902a000    0 69194 63021 0004000 norm[RUNQ] perl
69194 c6cdec40 d91f5000    0 69192 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cdec40][SLP] sh
69192 c60b2700 d90ef000    0 67173 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b2700][SLP] sh
69159 c42441c0 d7b53000    0 69156 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c48d44d0][SLP] awk
69158 c43b8540 d8d2f000    0 69156 47867 0000000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c48d4c60][SLP] sh
69156 c4bfd700 d904b000    0 68905 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bfd700][SLP] sh
69060 c6cfaa80 d9326000    0 65416 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cfaa80][SLP] sh
68907 c4bfd8c0 d904c000    0 68904 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c538a2c0][SLP] sort
68906 c4bf9700 d9042000    0 68904 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c47ac630][SLP] grep
68905 c6cdf540 d91fa000    0 68904 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cdf540][SLP] make
68904 c526fe00 d8f6b000    0 68901 47867 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c526fe00][SLP] sh
68901 c4dc3000 d8e4e000    0 56484 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c47ac000][SLP] sh
67996 c60b58c0 d90f9000    0 67994 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c5f38bb0][SLP] as
67995 c4dc3a80 d8ed9000    0 67994 19490 0004000 norm[RUNQ] cc1plus
67994 c4ac6700 d8f3a000    0 67907 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac6700][SLP] c++
67907 c57f9380 d8e1f000    0 23994 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57f9380][SLP] sh
67685 c550ba80 d8e0c000    0 67494 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550ba80][SLP] pkg_add
67495 c527a000 d8f6c000    0 66961 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c47ac840][SLP] tee
67494 c550f1c0 d8e10000    0 66961 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550f1c0][SLP] sh
67173 c423b8c0 d8d7b000    0 67172 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423b8c0][SLP] pkg_add
67172 c5229700 d8ee0000    0 65808 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5229700][SLP] sh
66961 c6cf0e00 d931f000    0 66960 66960 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cf0e00][SLP] sh
66960 c60b6540 d9100000    0 66946 66960 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d9100000][SLP] csh
66946 c6cde700 d91f2000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
65808 c4ac68c0 d8f3b000    0 63876 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac68c0][SLP] pkg_add
65416 c6cd0a80 d91eb000    0 65412 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cd0a80][SLP] gmake
65412 c6cf0700 d928c000    0 65375 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cf0700][SLP] sh
65375 c57f9c40 d8e8e000    0 62292 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57f9c40][SLP] gmake
64122 c6cfa000 d9320000    0 64121 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cfa000][SLP] sh
64121 c43b8e00 d8d34000    0 64120 54326 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c43b8e00][SLP] sh
64120 c6d0b540 d932c000    0 63524 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6d0b540][SLP] sh
63877 c5665540 d8f8d000    0 63022 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c532bd10][SLP] tee
63876 c550fe00 d8e17000    0 63022 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550fe00][SLP] sh
63525 c6cfa8c0 d9325000    0 63523 54326 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
63524 c60b51c0 d90f5000    0 63523 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b51c0][SLP] make
63523 c60b5e00 d90fc000    0 63493 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b5e00][SLP] pnohang
63493 c550b000 d8dcd000    0 54327 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550b000][SLP] sh
63022 c6cde8c0 d91f3000    0 63021 63021 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cde8c0][SLP] sh
63021 c56658c0 d8fb6000    0 63007 63021 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8fb6000][SLP] csh
63007 c6cde540 d91f1000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
62292 c550f380 d8e11000    0 62239 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550f380][SLP] sh
62239 c526f380 d8f65000    0 44957 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c526f380][SLP] gmake
56485 c6cdfa80 d91fd000    0 56483 47867 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
56484 c5665000 d8e4b000    0 56483 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5665000][SLP] make
56483 c52291c0 d8edd000    0 56385 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c52291c0][SLP] pnohang
56385 c4ac6540 d8f39000    0 47868 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac6540][SLP] sh
54327 c52298c0 d8ee1000    0 54326 54326 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c52298c0][SLP] sh
54326 c423ba80 d8d7c000    0 54291 54326 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8d7c000][SLP] csh
54291 c550b1c0 d8e07000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
47868 c4dc31c0 d8e9f000    0 47867 47867 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4dc31c0][SLP] sh
47867 c423b1c0 d8d2c000    0 47865 47867 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8d2c000][SLP] csh
47865 c526f1c0 d8f64000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
44957 c57fb700 d8e94000    0 44920 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57fb700][SLP] sh
44920 c43b8c40 d8d33000    0 33207 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c43b8c40][SLP] gmake
33207 c4bfde00 d904f000    0 33170 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bfde00][SLP] sh
33170 c6d0b000 d9329000    0 33166 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6d0b000][SLP] gmake
33166 c57fba80 d8e96000    0 33163 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57fba80][SLP] sh
33163 c5665700 d8fb5000    0 33014 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5665700][SLP] gmake
33014 c60b6700 d9101000    0 33011 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b6700][SLP] gmake
33011 c6cdfe00 d91ff000    0 25760 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cdfe00][SLP] sh
25761 c550b380 d8e08000    0 25759 21959 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
25760 c60b2000 d90b2000    0 25759 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b2000][SLP] make
25759 c550fc40 d8e16000    0 25731 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550fc40][SLP] pnohang
25731 c4bf91c0 d902d000    0 21960 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bf91c0][SLP] sh
25697 c57f91c0 d8e1e000    0 25696 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57f91c0][SLP] gmake
25696 c57fb1c0 d8e91000    0 12613 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57fb1c0][SLP] sh
23994 c423d540 d8d82000    0 23989 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423d540][SLP] gmake
23989 c4ac6e00 d8f3e000    0 23972 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac6e00][SLP] sh
23972 c4ac6000 d8efd000    0 23968 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4ac6000][SLP] gmake
23968 c60b2c40 d90f2000    0 23967 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b2c40][SLP] sh
23967 c60b68c0 d9102000    0 23965 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b68c0][SLP] gmake
23965 c60b61c0 d90fe000    0 23964 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b61c0][SLP] gmake
23964 c4dc38c0 d8ed8000    0 21723 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4dc38c0][SLP] sh
21960 c423d8c0 d8d84000    0 21959 21959 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423d8c0][SLP] sh
21959 c5665c40 d9029000    0 21955 21959 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d9029000][SLP] csh
21955 c57fb380 d8e92000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
21724 c6cdf380 d91f9000    0 21722 19490 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
21723 c43b88c0 d8d31000    0 21722 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c43b88c0][SLP] make
21722 c57f9540 d8e3f000    0 21694 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57f9540][SLP] pnohang
21694 c550fa80 d8e15000    0 19497 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550fa80][SLP] sh
19497 c6cdea80 d91f4000    0 19490 19490 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cdea80][SLP] sh
19490 c4bfd000 d9047000    0 19488 19490 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d9047000][SLP] csh
19488 c4bfd540 d904a000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
12613 c4dc3c40 d8eda000    0 12612 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4dc3c40][SLP] gmake
12612 c6cd01c0 d9134000    0   759 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cd01c0][SLP] sh
 6725 c423de00 d8d87000    0  6596 46930 0004000 norm[CPU 0] awk
 6596 c6cdf700 d91fb000    0 96327 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cdf700][SLP] sh
  759 c423da80 d8d85000    0   705 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423da80][SLP] gmake
  705 c423d000 d8d7f000    0   141 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c423d000][SLP] sh
  142 c550f000 d8e0f000    0   140 93931 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
  141 c526fa80 d8f69000    0   140 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c526fa80][SLP] make
  140 c57f9700 d8e8b000    0   120 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c57f9700][SLP] pnohang
  120 c550be00 d8e0e000    0 93936 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c550be00][SLP] sh
96327 c5229000 d8edc000    0 96322 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5229000][SLP] sh
96322 c4bf9a80 d9044000    0 95961 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4bf9a80][SLP] sh
95962 c526f000 d8f4b000    0 95958 46930 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] pnohang
95961 c5229380 d8ede000    0 95958 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5229380][SLP] make
95958 c526f8c0 d8f68000    0 95830 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c526f8c0][SLP] pnohang
95830 c6cfa380 d9322000    0 46935 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cfa380][SLP] sh
93936 c60b5c40 d90fb000    0 93931 93931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c60b5c40][SLP] sh
93931 c60b28c0 d90f0000    0 93919 93931 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d90f0000][SLP] csh
93919 c6cde380 d91f0000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
46935 c6cfa700 d9324000    0 46930 46930 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c6cfa700][SLP] sh
46930 c60b6c40 d9104000    0 46915 46930 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d9104000][SLP] csh
46915 c5229a80 d8ee2000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
 7795 c5665a80 d9028000    0     1  7795 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP][SWAP] lpd
59163 c5229e00 d8ee4000    0     1  3939 0004100 norm[SLPQ  semwait c40cec00][SLP] gds_lock_mgr
  520 c423d1c0 d8d80000    0     1   520 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456ce10][SLP][SWAP] getty
  519 c423d380 d8d81000    0     1   519 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456ca10][SLP][SWAP] getty
  518 c4244380 d7b54000    0     1   518 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456c610][SLP][SWAP] getty
  517 c4241380 d7b12000    0     1   517 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456c010][SLP][SWAP] getty
  516 c43b8700 d8d30000    0     1   516 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c423fe10][SLP][SWAP] getty
  515 c43b81c0 d8d2d000    0     1   515 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456bc10][SLP][SWAP] getty
  514 c4118a80 d7b0d000    0     1   514 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c456b810][SLP][SWAP] getty
  513 c4118e00 d7b0f000    0     1   513 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4120410][SLP][SWAP] getty
  504 c4244700 d7b56000    0     1   504 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c047ebd4][SLP] cron
  479 c4244540 d7b55000    0     1    41 0004002 norm[SLPQ    wait c4244540][SLP] sh
  383 c43b8000 d8d22000   25     1   383 2000100 norm[SLPQ   pause d8d22000][SLP] sendmail
  380 c42411c0 d7b11000    0     1   380 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sendmail
  374 c4244a80 d7b58000    0     1   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] sshd
  343 c42448c0 d7b57000    0     1   343 0000000 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] ntpd
  216 c4244e00 d7b5a000    0     1   216 0000000 norm[CVQ  select c0448c04][SLP] syslogd
  117 c4118c40 d7b0e000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c456b000][SLP] md2
  103 c4244c40 d7b59000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c4120600][SLP] md1
   57 c4241000 d7b10000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c423f600][SLP] md0
   40 c4241540 d7b13000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c0456bac][SLP] nfsiod 3
   39 c4241700 d7b14000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c0456ba8][SLP] nfsiod 2
   38 c42418c0 d7b15000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c0456ba4][SLP] nfsiod 1
   37 c4241a80 d7b4f000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c0456ba0][SLP] nfsiod 0
   36 c4241c40 d7b50000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  syncer c0446ca0][SLP] syncer
   35 c4241e00 d7b51000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  vlruwt c4241e00][SLP] vnlru
   34 c4244000 d7b52000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c047f744][SLP] bufdaemon
   33 c40ca540 d7afc000    0     0     0 000020c norm[RUNQ] pagezero
    9 c40ca700 d7afd000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c048306c][SLP] vmdaemon
    8 c40ca8c0 d7afe000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c045e0d8][SLP] pagedaemon
   32 c40caa80 d7aff000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq8: rtc
   31 c40cac40 d7b00000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq0: clk
   30 c40cae00 d7b01000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq13:
   29 c4118000 d7b07000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq7: ppc0
   28 c41181c0 d7b08000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq3: sio1
   27 c4118380 d7b09000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq4: sio0
   26 c4118540 d7b0a000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi0: tty:sio
   25 c4118700 d7b0b000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  usbtsk c043dc9c][SLP] usbtask
   24 c41188c0 d7b0c000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  usbevt c40b8210][SLP] usb0
   23 c16001c0 d68f7000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq15: ata1
   22 c1600380 d68f8000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] irq14: ata0
   21 c1600540 d68f9000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] irq10: fxp0 uhci0
    7 c1600700 d68fa000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0431c3c][SLP] acpi_task2
    6 c16008c0 d68fb000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0431c3c][SLP] acpi_task1
    5 c1600a80 d68fc000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0431c3c][SLP] acpi_task0
   20 c1600c40 d68fd000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] irq9: acpi0
   19 c1600e00 d68fe000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi5: task queue
   18 c40ca000 d7ac0000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi3: cambio
   17 c40ca1c0 d7ac1000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi2: camnet
   16 c40ca380 d7ac2000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi5: acpitaskq
   15 c15f9000 d687b000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ   sleep c046a3e0][SLP] random
    4 c15f91c0 d68ee000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  g_down c043fef0][SLP] g_down
    3 c15f9380 d68ef000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ    g_up c043feec][SLP] g_up
    2 c15f9540 d68f0000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  g_events c043fee4][SLP] g_event
   14 c15f9700 d68f1000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi1: net
   13 c15f98c0 d68f2000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi4: vm
   12 c15f9a80 d68f3000    0     0     0 000020c norm[LOCK  Giant c0445a40] swi6: tty:sio clock
   11 c15f9c40 d68f4000    0     0     0 000020c norm[Can run] idle
    1 c15f9e00 d68f5000    0     0     1 0004200 norm[SLPQ    wait c15f9e00][SLP] init
   10 c1600000 d68f6000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[CVQ  ktrace c047aee4][SLP] ktrace
    0 c0441160 c055a000    0     0     0 0000200 norm[SLPQ   sched c0441160][SLP] swapper

The only one that stands out to my untrained eye is 

70135 c527ac40 d8f7e000    0 70132 47867 0002000 norm[LOCK PCPU MAP ENTRY c083a868] sh

db> trace 70135
mi_switch(c42435b0,2,c04029a2,23b,d7b2dbbc) at mi_switch+0x1e1
_mtx_lock_sleep(c083a868,0,c041bd65,693,1c4) at _mtx_lock_sleep+0x226
_mtx_lock_flags(c083a868,0,c041bd65,693,0) at _mtx_lock_flags+0x94
uma_zfree_arg(c083a780,c52bebf4,0,d7b2dc14,c0372174) at uma_zfree_arg+0x78
vm_map_entry_dispose(c526abf4,c52bebf4,c68c5c98,c52bebf4,d7b2dc68) at vm_map_entry_dispose+0x32
vm_map_entry_delete(c526abf4,c52bebf4,c041a2f8,826,c0401a58) at vm_map_entry_delete+0x44
vm_map_delete(c526abf4,0,bfc00000,c526abf4,0) at vm_map_delete+0x323
vm_map_remove(c526abf4,0,bfc00000,114,c04459e0) at vm_map_remove+0x55
exit1(c42435b0,0,c0400ed3,70,d7b2dd40) at exit1+0x471
sys_exit(c42435b0,d7b2dd10,c04245ae,409,1) at sys_exit+0x41
syscall(2f,2f,2f,0,bfbffc88) at syscall+0x28e
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (1, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_exit), eip = 0x807b3ef, esp = 0xbfbfed6c, ebp = 0xbfbfedf8 ---

Is there anything else I should do?


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