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Messages: 24, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:03 2023

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  1. Jun  1 portscout@portscout.freebs FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
  2. Jun  1 z_axis                     `zenity --info-text` cannot display utf-8 character
  3. May 31 PYO                        Re: AbiWord 2.8.6 do not build with clang
  4. May 31 Dmitry Sivachenko          Fwd: Port /devel/anjuta requires /devel/gdb66 rather than /devel/gdb
  5. May 31 Koop Mast                  Re: AbiWord 2.8.6 do not build with clang
  6. May 31 PYO                        AbiWord 2.8.6 do not build with clang
  7. May 30          Re: ports/179124: [PATCH] graphics/cairomm: Convert to OptionsNG, trim docs
  8. May 30 nemysis                    [PATCH] graphics/cairomm: Convert to OptionsNG, trim docs
  9. May 30 portscout@portscout.freebs FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
 10. May 30 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Otac=EDlio? Re: infinality patches for freetype
 11. May 29 Child Care Aware of Americ Behavioral gender gap found in young American children
 12. May 29 portscout@portscout.freebs FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
 13. May 29 Andriy Gapon               infinality patches for freetype
 14. May 28          Re: ports/179066: [PATCH] devel/gvfs: Add FUSE to default Options, add pathfix
 15. May 28 nemysis                    [PATCH] devel/gvfs: Add FUSE to default Options, add pathfix
 16. May 28 portscout@portscout.freebs FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
 17. May 27 portscout@portscout.freebs FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
 18. May 27 Eurotour Viaggi            Speciale COSTA CROCIERE da 340 euro
 19. May 27 FreeBSD bugmaster          Current problem reports assigned to
 20. May 27          Re: ports/178698: graphics/gimp: package dependencies failing

21. May 26 dfilter service Re: ports/178984: commit references a PR 22. May 26 Re: ports/178984: graphics/cairo requires pkgconfig to build 23. May 26 Re: ports/178984: graphics/cairo requires pkgconfig to build 24. May 26 Re: ports/178958: devel/glib20: missing -lintl in glib-2.0.pc, breaks static linking

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