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Date:      Mon,  9 Oct 2000 22:36:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject:   advocacy/21887: Security vunrebility found
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>Number:         21887
>Category:       advocacy
>Synopsis:       Security vunrebility found
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-advocacy
>State:          open
>Class:          wish
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Oct 09 22:40:00 PDT 2000
>Originator:     Krish Ahya
>Release:        4.1-STABLE
[intel@marvin:~]$ uname -a
FreeBSD 4.1.1-STABLE FreeBSD 4.1.1-STABLE #0: Mon Oct  2 10:14:58 CDT 2000  i386
 I've found a small security hole that allows other users on a bsd box to enter another user's home dir without any authentication.Well I am a user on this box and I found this accidentaly.Here is what happened and what I did.

[intel@marvin:~]$ cd /home

Ok, so, I enter /home and look at this.

[intel@marvin:/home]$ ls
acer/           danny/          hgcrew/         mazurr/         smorky/
action/         danut/          hidden/         mboyer/         sota/
ademko/         dds/            hqanime/        mcp/            spaz/
adrienne/       dewa/           infinity/       mxpx/           speed/
advert/         dimps/          intel/          naujik/         spider/
aljrooo7/       domreg/         ircd/           nebble/         spooky/
andrew/         drillaz/        isislight/      net-tech/       ssrev/
animehq/        dude/           jedi/           ocparty/        swilling/
apache/         eel/            jonza/          omr/            tef/
arcadia/        ellicit/        kakka/          paiakam/        tektonic/
argg/           enthrash/       karl/           pcmaster/       thor/
arity/          eo/             kirler/         penguin/        tkm/
azabel/         ertw/           kook/           picasso/        toril/
azor/           ervin/          koolzie/        polar/          traffic/
bcaldwel/       exes/           korn/           pollo/          triggzz/
bcentrl/        exorcist/       laan/           predator/       upz/
bhs/            farside/        ladybell/       proxy/          v2000/
bilange/        fastzoom/       lees01/         quake/          vcd/
bogus/          fei/            len/            quantum/        water/
brnt/           flash/          logg/           ram/            wheimeng/
bsd/            flea/           lpr/            rangeela/       winnie/
bubba1/         frosty/         luvhurt/        rattan/         woowoo/
cannibal/       ftp/            lynn/           rift/           xerox/
ceyx/           fusion/         macfarla/       rio/            xt-c/
char/           gameover/       madn0rp/        rodrigo/        zetro/
chris2u/        genxcess/       makaveli/       rolex/          zn/
chrome/         gilles/         manmower/       ryanh/
coolkizz/       goldsky/        mastas/         scp58/
cyrus/          hayz/           matt/           slvrdrgn/

Now I do this:

[intel@marvin:/home]$ cd bcentrl
[intel@marvin:/home/bcentrl]$ ls

Whoa, I've just entered bcentrl's home dir and I'm not root!

[intel@marvin:/home/bcentrl]$ ls
Maildir/                                report.tcl
bots/                                   stormbot.tcl
eggdrop1.3.27/                          stormbot.tclstormbot.tclstormbot.tcl

This way, I can grab access to any files in that dir.I don't think this should be possible.

Is there a possible fix for this?Maybe file permissions are set wrong?Any info would be helpful.Thank you.

Not sure.
Not sure.


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