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Date:      Fri, 26 Mar 1999 20:53:08 +0300 (MSK)
From:      Dima Sivachenko <dima@Chg.RU>
Subject:   ports/10806: Update net/scotty to 2.1.10
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         10806
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update net/scotty to 2.1.10
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Mar 26 10:00:00 PST 1999
>Originator:     Dima Sivachenko
>Release:        FreeBSD 3.0-980520-SNAP i386



MAINTAINER let me to change this variable.




diff -Nur scotty.old/Makefile scotty/Makefile
--- scotty.old/Makefile	Wed Feb  3 23:59:00 1999
+++ scotty/Makefile	Fri Mar 26 20:39:14 1999
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.36 1999/02/03 23:31:07 steve Exp $
-DISTNAME=	scotty-2.1.9
+DISTNAME=	scotty-2.1.10
 CATEGORIES=	net tk80
 LIB_DEPENDS=	tk80.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk80
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 MAN1=		tkined.1 scotty.1
 MAN8=		ntping.8 straps.8
 MANN=		Tnm.n cmip.n dns.n gdmo.n http.n icmp.n ined.n job.n \
-		mib.n msqltcl.n netdb.n ntp.n rpc.n snmp.n sunrpc.n \
+		mib.n netdb.n ntp.n rpc.n snmp.n sunrpc.n \
 		syslog.n udp.n
 FREEBSD_VERSION!=	echo `uname -m`-`uname`-`uname -r`
diff -Nur scotty.old/files/md5 scotty/files/md5
--- scotty.old/files/md5	Mon Aug  4 18:26:00 2008
+++ scotty/files/md5	Fri Mar 26 20:02:24 1999
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (scotty-2.1.6.tar.gz) = 1c6f28dc959250508bb3323aba401560
+MD5 (scotty-2.1.10.tar.gz) = e885c33ac4ba9cf17ca09886ca4046b1
diff -Nur scotty.old/patches/patch-aa scotty/patches/patch-aa
--- scotty.old/patches/patch-aa	Fri Dec 18 23:34:00 1998
+++ scotty/patches/patch-aa	Fri Mar 26 20:34:46 1999
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 +++	Fri Sep 13 09:26:21 1996
 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
-+export TCLLIBPATH="@PREFIX@/lib/tkined1.4.9 @PREFIX@/lib/tnm2.1.9"
-+exec @PREFIX@/bin/tkined1.4.9 $*
++export TCLLIBPATH="@PREFIX@/lib/tkined1.4.10 @PREFIX@/lib/tnm2.1.10"
++exec @PREFIX@/bin/tkined1.4.10 $*
 ---	Fri Sep 13 09:30:41 1996
 +++	Fri Sep 13 09:26:21 1996
 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
-+export TCLLIBPATH="@PREFIX@/lib/tnm2.1.9"
-+exec @PREFIX@/bin/scotty2.1.9
++export TCLLIBPATH="@PREFIX@/lib/tnm2.1.10"
++exec @PREFIX@/bin/scotty2.1.10
diff -Nur scotty.old/patches/patch-ac scotty/patches/patch-ac
--- scotty.old/patches/patch-ac	Fri Dec 18 23:34:00 1998
+++ scotty/patches/patch-ac	Fri Mar 26 20:21:49 1999
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
----	Thu Jun  4 12:15:55 1998
-+++	Thu Jun  4 12:22:39 1998
-@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
+---	Fri Mar 26 20:12:11 1999
++++	Fri Mar 26 20:20:58 1999
+@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@
  	@for i in $(TNM_INSTALL_DIR)/mibs ; \
-@@ -589,11 +590,15 @@
- 		else true; \
+@@ -608,10 +608,14 @@
  		fi; \
--	@echo "Installing tkined$(TNM_VERSION) and tkined$(TNM_VERSION)$(SHLIB_SUFFIX)"
+ 	@echo "Installing tkined$(TKI_VERSION) and tkined$(TKI_VERSION)$(SHLIB_SUFFIX)"
-+	@echo "Installing tkined$(TKI_VERSION) and tkined$(TKI_VERSION)$(SHLIB_SUFFIX)"
 +	@$(INSTALL_DATA) -m 555 tkined $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)/tkined$(TKI_VERSION)
 +	@sed s,@PREFIX@,${prefix},g >
 +	@sed s,@PREFIX@,${prefix},g >
diff -Nur scotty.old/patches/patch-ad scotty/patches/patch-ad
--- scotty.old/patches/patch-ad	Thu Mar 13 15:21:00 1997
+++ scotty/patches/patch-ad	Thu Jan  1 03:00:00 1970
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
---- ../tkined/apps/ip_discover.tcl	Thu Sep 12 22:01:03 1996
-+++ ../tkined/apps/ip_discover.tcl	Thu Mar  6 17:11:38 1997
-@@ -21,6 +21,17 @@
- IpInit IP-Discover
- ##
-+## Mapping sysObjectID to icons
-+set sysid2icon( pc.xbm
-+set sysid2icon( cisco.xbm
-+set sysid2icon( laser.xbm
-+set sysid2icon( concent.xbm
-+set sysid2icon( unixpc.xbm
-+set sysid2icon( SUN-Server.xbm
- ## These are the global parameters that control the discovering
- ## process. They are manipulated by the "Discover Parameter" proc.
- ##
-@@ -30,7 +41,15 @@
- set columns 16
- set report true
- set debug false
-+set communities {public private}
-+set suppresdomain {}
-+set parallel 10
-+for {set i 1} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
-+        set a [expr 0xffffffff << $i]
-+        set b [expr ($a >> 24) & 0xff].[expr ($a >> 16) & 0xff].[expr ($a >> 8) & 0xff].[expr ($a) & 0xff]
-+        set subnetbits($b) /[expr 32-$i]
- ##
- ## During our icmp fire, we build up the following tables.
-@@ -48,13 +67,30 @@
- ##
- ##
-+## We want to do things in parallel, so this procedure comes handy
-+proc forsome {var count list code} {
-+    upvar 1 $var sublist
-+    set rel [expr $count - 1]
-+    while {[llength $list]} {
-+	set sublist [lrange $list 0 $rel]
-+	uplevel 1 "$code"
-+	set list [lrange $list $count end]
-+    }
- ## Reset the global tables. This is now called before we start anything
- ## else to recover from abnormal terminated runs.
- ##
- proc reset {} {
--    catch {
--	unset nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways
-+    foreach i {
-+	nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways snmp
-+	icon } {
-+	global $i
-+	catch "unset $i"
-     }
- }
-@@ -146,20 +182,23 @@
- ##
- proc netping { network } {
-+    global parallel
-     set result ""
-+    set res ""
-     if {[regexp "^\[0-9\]+\.\[0-9\]+\.\[0-9\]+$" $network] > 0} {
- 	set hosts ""
- 	for {set a4 1} {$a4<255} {incr a4} {
--	    append hosts " $network.$a4"
-+	    lappend hosts "$network.$a4"
- 	}
--	set result [icmp echo $hosts]
--    }
--    set res ""
--    foreach pr $result {
--	set pr_ip [lindex $pr 0]
--	set pr_time [lindex $pr 1]
--	if {$pr_time>=0} {
--	    lappend res $pr_ip
-+	forsome lst $parallel $hosts {
-+	    debug "** ping $lst"
-+	    foreach pr [icmp echo $lst] {
-+		set pr_ip [lindex $pr 0]
-+		set pr_time [lindex $pr 1]
-+		if {$pr_time>=0} {
-+		    lappend res $pr_ip
-+		}
-+	    }
- 	}
-     }
-     return $res
-@@ -246,13 +285,13 @@
- }
- ##
--## Get a trace of the routes to very node. Store them in the global
-+## Get a trace of the routes to every node. Store them in the global
- ## array trace. If we find nodes that were not discovered using the
- ## icmp fire, put them in the global table.
- ##
- proc discover_traces {} {
--    global ids nodes trace address
-+    global ids nodes trace address parallel
-     set count 0
-     set start [clock seconds]
-@@ -260,19 +299,14 @@
-     foreach id [array names nodes] {
- 	set ip $address($id)
- 	lappend addrs $ip
--	if {[llength $addrs] > 255} {
--	    foreach route [trace_route $addrs] {
--		set id $ids([lindex $route 0])
--		set trace($id) [lindex $route 1]
--		incr count
--	    }
--	    set addrs ""
--	}
-     }
--    foreach route [trace_route $addrs] {
--	set id $ids([lindex $route 0])
--	set trace($id) [lindex $route 1]
--	incr count
-+    forsome lst $parallel $addrs {
-+	debug "** trace $lst"
-+	foreach route [trace_route $lst] {
-+	    set id $ids([lindex $route 0])
-+	    set trace($id) [lindex $route 1]
-+	    incr count
-+	}
-     }
-     # add new discovered nodes to the global tables
-@@ -301,26 +335,22 @@
- ##
- proc discover_masks {} {
--    global nodes ids mask address
-+    global nodes ids mask address parallel
-     set count 0
-     set start [clock seconds]
-     set addrs ""
-     foreach id [array names nodes] {
-+	if {[info exists mask($id)]} continue
- 	lappend addrs $address($id)
--	if {[llength $addrs] > 255} {
--	    foreach ipmask [icmp mask $addrs] {
--		set id $ids([lindex $ipmask 0])
--		set mask($id) [lindex $ipmask 1]
--		incr count
--	    }
--	    set addrs ""
--	}
-     }
--    foreach ipmask [icmp mask $addrs] {
--	set id $ids([lindex $ipmask 0])
--	set mask($id) [lindex $ipmask 1]
--	incr count
-+    forsome lst $parallel $addrs {
-+	debug "** masks $lst"
-+	foreach ipmask [icmp mask $lst] {
-+	    set id $ids([lindex $ipmask 0])
-+	    set mask($id) [lindex $ipmask 1]
-+	    incr count
-+	}
-     }
-     writeln "$count netmasks queried in [expr {[clock seconds]-$start}] seconds."
-     flush stdout
-@@ -334,31 +364,101 @@
- ## ===========================================================================
- ##
--proc discover_snmp_callback {id s e} {
--    global snmp
-+proc discover_snmp_callback {id s e {v ""}} {
-+    global snmp icon sysid2icon
-     if {$e == "noError"} {
- 	set snmp($id) [$s configure]
-+	foreach i [array names sysid2icon] {
-+		if {[string first $i [lindex $v 2]] == 0} {
-+			set icon($id) $sysid2icon($i)
-+		}
-+	}
-+	debug $v
-     }
-     $s destroy
- }
- proc discover_snmp {} {
--    global nodes address snmp
--    global icmp_retries icmp_timeout
-+    global nodes address snmp communities ids parallel
-+    global icmp_retries icmp_timeout mask gateways icon
-     set start [clock seconds]
-     mib load rfc1213.mib
--    foreach id [array names nodes] {
--        set ip $address($id)
--	if {[catch {snmp session -address $ip \
--		-retries $icmp_retries -timeout $icmp_timeout} s]} continue
-+    foreach com $communities {
-+	debug "** Looking for community $com"
-+	set ips ""
-+	foreach id [array names nodes] {
-+	    if {[info exists snmp($id)]} continue
-+	    lappend ips $address($id)
-+	}
-+	forsome ipl $parallel $ips {
-+	    debug "** snmp community $com $ipl"
-+	    foreach ip $ipl {
-+		if {[catch {snmp session -address $ip -community $com \
-+		    -retries $icmp_retries -timeout $icmp_timeout} s]} continue
-+		if {[catch {
-+		    $s get sysObjectID.0 "discover_snmp_callback $ids($ip) %S %E %V"
-+		} msg]} {
-+		    writeln "Oops: $ip get sysObjectID.0: $msg"
-+		}
-+		update
-+		snmp wait
-+	    }
-+	}
-+    }
-+    foreach i [array names snmp] {
-+	set s [eval snmp session $snmp($i)]
-+	set l ""
-+	catch {unset ifstate}
-+	debug "** Walk [$s configure]"
-+	if {[catch {$s walk x "ifIndex ifAdminStatus" {
-+		set ifstate([lindex [lindex $x 0] 2]) [lindex [lindex $x 1] 2]
-+	    } } msg]} {
-+	    writeln "Oops: $msg from $s"
-+	    continue
-+	}
- 	if {[catch {
--	    $s get sysObjectID.0 [list discover_snmp_callback $id "%S" "%E"]
--	} msg]} {
--	    writeln "Oops: $ip get sysObjectID.0: $msg"
-+	    $s walk x "ipAdEntAddr ipAdEntNetMask ipAdEntIfIndex" { 
-+		set a [lindex [lindex $x 0] 2]
-+		if {$a == ""} continue
-+		if {$a == ""} continue
-+		if {$a == ""} continue
-+		set if [lindex [lindex $x 2] 2]
-+		if {$ifstate($if) != "up"} continue
-+		lappend l $a
-+		set m [lindex [lindex $x 1] 2]
-+		if {$a == $address($i)} { 
-+		    set mask($i) $m 
-+		} elseif {![info exists ids($a)]} {
-+		    create_node $a
-+		    set j $ids($a)
-+		    set mask($j) $m
-+		    set snmp($j) $snmp($i)
-+		    if {[info exists icon($i)]} {
-+debug "** id $j $a/$m icon $icon($i)"
-+			set icon($j) $icon($i)
-+		    }
-+		    debug "** New interface: $j $a $m"
-+		}
-+	    } } msg]} {
-+	    writeln "Oops: $msg from $s"
-+	    continue
-+	}
-+	if {[llength $l] > 1} {
-+	    foreach j $l {
-+		set ll "$j"
-+		foreach k $l {
-+		    if {$k != $j} {
-+			lappend ll "$k"
-+		    }
-+		}
-+		set gateways($ids($j)) $ll
-+	    }
- 	}
--        update
-+	$s destroy
-     }
--    snmp wait
-     set count [llength [array names snmp]]
-     writeln "$count snmp agents queried in [expr {[clock seconds]-$start}] seconds."
-     flush stdout
-@@ -380,33 +480,26 @@
- ##
- proc discover_fips {} {
--    global nodes ids fip address
-+    global nodes ids fip address parallel
-     set count 0
-     set start [clock seconds]
-     set addrs ""
--    set idlist ""
-+    set idx 0
-     foreach id [array names nodes] {
- 	lappend addrs $address($id)
--	lappend idlist $id
--	if {[llength $addrs] > 255} {
--	    set idx 0
--	    foreach ipfip [icmp ttl 32 $addrs] {
--		set id [lindex $idlist $idx]
--		set fip($id) [lindex $ipfip 0]
--		incr count
--		incr idx
--	    }
--	    set addrs ""
--	    set idlist ""
--	}
-+	set idlist($idx) $id
-+	incr idx
-     }
-     set idx 0
--    foreach ipfip [icmp ttl 32 $addrs] {
--	set id [lindex $idlist $idx]
--	set fip($id) [lindex $ipfip 0]
--	incr count
--	incr idx
-+    forsome lst $parallel $addrs {
-+	debug "** fips $lst"
-+	foreach ipfip [icmp ttl 32 $lst] {
-+	    set id $idlist($idx)
-+	    set fip($id) [lindex $ipfip 0]
-+	    incr count
-+	    incr idx
-+	}
-     }
-     writeln "$count ip addresses queried in [expr {[clock seconds]-$start}] seconds."
-     flush stdout
-@@ -513,6 +606,7 @@
-     foreach id [array names nodes] {
- 	set ip $address($id)
- 	set netmask $mask($id)
-+	if {$netmask == ""} continue;
- 	# Get the official network for this node.
-@@ -526,22 +620,25 @@
- 	    D { set bytes "" }
- 	}
- 	set net [join $bytes .]
--	if {![info exists table($net)]} { set table($net) $mmm }
-+debug ">> $ip $netmask $net $mmm"
-+	#if {![info exists table($net)]} { set table($net) $mmm }
- 	# Sanity check for incorrect netmasks. Netmasks wider than
- 	# the official network type don't make any sense. Ignore
- 	# problems that are due to the loopback mask of the localhost.
--	if {$netmask == ""} continue;
- 	if { [ip_network $net $netmask] != $net } {
- 	    if {![catch {nslook [exec hostname]} localhost]} {
- 		if {[string trim $localhost] == $ip} continue
- 	    }
--	    set txt "Please check the netmask $netmask for $ip on class $class network $net."
-+	    set txt "Please check the netmask $netmask for $ip on network $net."
- 	    ined acknowledge $txt
- 	    if {$report == "true"} {
- 		writeln $txt
- 	    }
-+	    set mask($id) ""
- 	    continue
- 	}
-@@ -550,6 +647,21 @@
- 	set subnet [ip_network $ip $netmask]
- 	if {![info exists table($subnet)]} { set table($subnet) $netmask }
-     }
-+    foreach id [array names nodes] {
-+	set ip $address($id)
-+	set netmask $mask($id)
-+	if {$netmask != ""} continue;
-+debug "))) $ip $netmask $mmm"
-+	foreach net [array names table] {
-+	    if {[ip_ismember $ip $net [lindex $table($net) 0]]} {
-+		set mask($id) $table($net)
-+debug "=== $ip $mask($id) $net "
-+		break
-+	    }
-+	}
-+    }
-     if {[info exist table]} {
-@@ -618,6 +730,7 @@
- 		incr cons
- 	    }
- 	}
-+        writeln "Network $net ($pros, $cons, $unk)." 
- 	if {$cons > $pros} {
- 	    set res [ined confirm \
-   "The majority ($cons : $pros) of nodes on network $net have wide netmasks." \
-@@ -745,6 +858,7 @@
-     writeln "$count gateways discovered in [expr {[clock seconds]-$start}] seconds."
-     flush stdout
- }
-@@ -863,7 +977,7 @@
- ##
- proc merge_gateways {} {
--    global ids nodes networks links gateways address name
-+    global ids nodes networks links gateways address name snmp
-     set count 0
-     set start [clock seconds]
-@@ -871,7 +985,10 @@
-     debug "** entering merge_gateways"
-     foreach id [array names gateways] {
--	if {[llength $gateways($id)] < 2} continue
-+	if {[llength $gateways($id)] < 2} {
-+		unset gateways($id)
-+		continue
-+	}
- 	debug "** gateways ($id) :\t $gateways($id)"
-     }
-@@ -888,8 +1005,6 @@
-     foreach id [array names gateways] {
--	if {[llength $gateways($id)] < 2} continue
- 	set myip [lindex $gateways($id) 0]
- 	if {[info exists done($myip)]} {
- 	    debug "** $myip skipped - $myip is already done"
-@@ -952,12 +1067,16 @@
- 	    # addresses for which there is no id. We get such beasts
- 	    # when checking the returned udp address.
--	    if {![info exists ids($ip)]} continue
-+	    if {![info exists ids($ip)]} {
-+		writeln "skipping $ip for reasons we don't understand"
-+		continue
-+	    }
- 	    set rid $ids($ip)
- 	    catch {unset nodes($rid)}
- 	    catch {unset address($rid)}
- 	    catch {unset name($rid)}
-+	    catch {unset snmp($rid)}
- 	    # Adjust the links pointing to rid.
-@@ -997,7 +1116,8 @@
- ##
- proc talk_to_ined {} {
--    global nodes networks links address snmp name
-+    global nodes networks links address snmp name gateways subnetbits
-+    global suppresdomain icon
-     set count 0
-     set start [clock seconds]
-@@ -1018,6 +1138,9 @@
- 		NODE {
- 		    set addr [GetIpAddress $comp]
- 		    set id_by_addr($addr) $id
-+		    foreach a [ined attribute $id "allIP"] {
-+			    set id_by_addr($a) $id
-+		    }
- 		}
- 		    set id_by_addr([ined address $comp]) $id
-@@ -1045,13 +1168,22 @@
- 	if {[info exists id_by_addr($ip)]} {
- 	    set ined_id($id) $id_by_addr($ip)
- 	} else {
-+	    set nm "[lindex $name($id) 0]" 
-+	    regsub "\(.*\)$suppresdomain\$" "$nm" {\1} nm
- 	    set ined_id($id) [ined -noupdate create NODE]
- 	    ined -noupdate address $ined_id($id) $ip
--	    ined -noupdate name $ined_id($id) "[lindex $name($id) 0]"
-+	    ined -noupdate name $ined_id($id) "$nm"
- 	    ined -noupdate label $ined_id($id) name
- 	    ined -noupdate move $ined_id($id) [nextx] [nexty]
- 	    if {[info exists snmp($id)]} {
- 		ined -noupdate attribute $ined_id($id) "SNMP:Config" $snmp($id)
-+		ined -noupdate color $ined_id($id) brown
-+	    }
-+	    if {[info exists icon($id)]} {
-+		ined -noupdate icon $ined_id($id) $icon($id)
-+	    }
-+	    if {[info exists gateways($id)]} {
-+		ined -noupdate attribute $ined_id($id) "allIP" $gateways($id)
- 	    }
- 	    set id_by_addr($ip) $ined_id($id)
- 	    incr count
-@@ -1074,11 +1206,12 @@
- 	if {[info exists id_by_addr($ip)]} {
- 	    set ined_id($id) $id_by_addr($ip) 
- 	} else {
--	    set ined_id($id) [ined -noupdate create NETWORK 0 0 300 0]
--	    ined -noupdate name $ined_id($id) "$ip $type"
-+	    set ined_id($id) [ined -noupdate create NETWORK 0 0 100 0]
-+	    ined -noupdate name $ined_id($id) "$ip$subnetbits($networks($id))"
- 	    ined -noupdate address $ined_id($id) $ip
- 	    ined -noupdate label $ined_id($id) name
- 	    ined -noupdate move $ined_id($id) [nextx] [nexty]
-+	    ined -noupdate attribute $ined_id($id) "netmask" $networks($id)
- 	    set id_by_addr($ip) $ined_id($id)
- 	    incr count
- 	}
-@@ -1125,7 +1258,7 @@
- proc "Discover IP Network" {list} {
--    global nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways
-+    global nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways snmp
-     static nets
-     reset
-@@ -1171,15 +1304,16 @@
-     foreach network $nets { discover_nodes $network }
-     if {[info exists nodes]} {
- 	discover_traces
--	discover_masks
- 	discover_snmp
-+	discover_masks
- 	discover_fips
- 	discover_networks
- 	discover_gateways
- 	discover_links
- 	merge_gateways
- 	talk_to_ined
--	unset nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address
-+	catch {unset nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address}
-+	catch {unset snmp}
- 	catch {unset gateways}
-     }
-@@ -1195,7 +1329,7 @@
- proc "Discover Route" {list} {
--    global nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways
-+    global nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways snmp
-     static ips
-     reset
-@@ -1249,8 +1383,8 @@
-     if {[info exists nodes]} {
- 	discover_traces
--	discover_masks
- 	discover_snmp
-+	discover_masks
- 	discover_fips
- 	discover_networks
- 	discover_gateways
-@@ -1259,6 +1393,7 @@
- 	talk_to_ined
- 	unset nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address
- 	catch {unset gateways}
-+	catch {unset snmp}
-     }
-@@ -1276,6 +1411,9 @@
-     global email_trace
-     global report
-     global debug
-+    global communities
-+    global suppresdomain
-+    global parallel
-     set result [ined request "IP-Discover Parameter" \
- 	[list [list "# of ICMP retries:" $icmp_retries scale 1 10] \
-@@ -1287,7 +1425,10 @@
-           [list "Nodes per row:" $columns scale 10 40] \
-           [list "Email Discover Routes:" $email_trace radio true false] \
-           [list "Write Report:" $report radio true false] \
--          [list "Debug Mode:" $debug radio true false] ] \
-+          [list "Debug Mode:" $debug radio true false]  \
-+          [list "SNMP Communities:" $communities entry 10]  \
-+          [list "Suppress Domain:" $suppresdomain entry 10]  \
-+          [list "Parallelism:" $parallel scale 1 255] ] \
-         [list "set values" cancel] ]
-     if {[lindex $result 0] == "cancel"} return
-@@ -1302,6 +1443,9 @@
-     set email_trace      [lindex $result  8]
-     set report           [lindex $result  9]
-     set debug            [lindex $result 10]
-+    set communities      [lindex $result 11]
-+    set suppresdomain    [lindex $result 12]
-+    set parallel	 [lindex $result 13]
-     icmp -retries $icmp_retries
-     icmp -timeout $icmp_timeout
-@@ -1408,7 +1552,7 @@
- proc ined_create {host user} {
-     global nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address gateways
--    global hosts email_trace
-+    global hosts email_trace snmp
-     if {![info exists hosts($host)]} {
- 	set hosts($host) $host
-@@ -1425,8 +1569,8 @@
- 	if {[info exists nodes]} {
- 	    discover_traces
--	    discover_masks
- 	    discover_snmp
-+	    discover_masks
- 	    discover_fips
- 	    discover_networks
- 	    discover_gateways
-@@ -1435,6 +1579,7 @@
- 	    talk_to_ined
- 	    unset nodes networks links ids trace mask fip name address
- 	    catch {unset gateways}
-+	    catch {unset snmp}
- 	}
- 	writeln "discover finished in [expr {[clock seconds]-$start}] seconds"
diff -Nur scotty.old/scripts/untrue scotty/scripts/untrue
--- scotty.old/scripts/untrue	Fri Jun  7 00:00:00 1996
+++ scotty/scripts/untrue	Thu Jan  1 03:00:00 1970
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# untrue $1: convert /bin/true -> true
-# also mask CFLAGS
-mv -f $1 $1.true
-sed -e 's./bin/true.true.;s.^CFLAGS.#CFLAGS.' $1.true > $1


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