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Messages: 98, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:54 2023

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  1. Aug  5 Dan Langille               Polish translation please
  2. Aug  5 Alexander Langer           anyone at HAL2001?
  3. Aug  5 Harold Gutch               Re: anyone at HAL2001?
  4. Aug  6 j mckitrick                How did the MSFT monopoly start?
  5. Aug  6 Youn, Roy                  =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?W8irurhdwK/H0Mb4xbq96sDPISEhyK69x8fRwbawxyEhtbXA/MfP?= =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?vLy/5CEhISE=?=
  6. Aug  6 Paul Robinson              Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
  7. Aug  6 j mckitrick                Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
  8. Aug  6 Paul Robinson              Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
  9. Aug  6 Brad Knowles               Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 10. Aug  6 j mckitrick                Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 11. Aug  6 Paul Robinson              Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 12. Aug  6 Ulf Zimmermann             Re: anyone at HAL2001?
 13. Aug  6 Pedro F. Giffuni           Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 14. Aug  6 Brett Glass                Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 15. Aug  6 Mike Meyer                 Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 16. Aug  6 =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?w7XA57C =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?u+y4573DIL7Lt8G15bixsNS/5Cwguau9vMDPwMy15yCzsrq4tNm9sbDULi4u?=
 17. Aug  7 Terry Lambert              Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 18. Aug  7 Terry Lambert              Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 19. Aug  7 Mike Meyer                 Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
 20. Aug  7 Gray, David                Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?

21. Aug 7 freebsd-lists-for-dayan-on Welcome to the freebsd-lists-for-dayan-only group 22. Aug 7 Bob Willcox Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 23. Aug 7 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 24. Aug 7 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 25. Aug 7 Brad Knowles Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 26. Aug 7 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 27. Aug 7 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 28. Aug 7 John Galt Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 29. Aug 7 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 30. Aug 7 Bob Willcox Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 31. Aug 7 Bob Willcox Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 32. Aug 7 Mike Meyer OFR (Was: How did the MSFT monopoly start?) 33. Aug 7 Randall Hamilton clue manpage 34. Aug 7 Bob Willcox Re: OFR (Was: How did the MSFT monopoly start?) 35. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 36. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Mince: (Was: OFR (Was: How did the MSFT monopoly start?)) 37. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 38. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 39. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 40. Aug 7 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
41. Aug 8 Terry Lambert Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 42. Aug 8 Terry Lambert Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 43. Aug 8 Terry Lambert Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 44. Aug 8 Neill Robins Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 45. Aug 8 九十年度公費補助@FreeBSD.O none 46. Aug 8 Gray, David Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 47. Aug 8 Neil Blakey-Milner Re: 'Headlines' on homepage is awesome. 48. Aug 8 Rick Hamell Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 49. Aug 8 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 50. Aug 8 <> Welcome To Tipclub 51. Aug 8 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 52. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 53. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 54. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 55. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 56. Aug 8 Dag-Erling Smorgrav Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 57. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 58. Aug 8 Dag-Erling Smorgrav Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 59. Aug 8 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 60. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
61. Aug 8 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 62. Aug 8 David Scheidt Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 63. Aug 8 David Scheidt Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 64. Aug 8 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 65. Aug 8 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 66. Aug 8 Greg Lehey Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 67. Aug 9 Dag-Erling Smorgrav Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 68. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 69. Aug 9 j mckitrick Why anti-trust law? 70. Aug 9 Brett Glass Re: Why anti-trust law? 71. Aug 9 Brett Glass Re: Why anti-trust law? 72. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: Why anti-trust law? 73. Aug 9 Joseph Scott Re: Why anti-trust law? 74. Aug 9 Joseph Scott Re: Why anti-trust law? 75. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: Why anti-trust law? 76. Aug 9 David Scheidt Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 77. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 78. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 79. Aug 9 Brett Glass Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 80. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start?
81. Aug 9 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 82. Aug 9 Mike Meyer Re: Why anti-trust law? 83. Aug 9 Mike Meyer Re: Why anti-trust law? 84. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 85. Aug 9 Mike Meyer Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 86. Aug 9 Brett Glass Re: Why anti-trust law? 87. Aug 9 j mckitrick Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 88. Aug 9 Daniel O'Connor Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 89. Aug 9 jack Re: Why anti-trust law? 90. Aug 9 Mike Meyer Re: Why anti-trust law? 91. Aug 9 Technical Information calculating uptime 92. Aug 10 Crist J. Clark Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 93. Aug 10 Greg Lehey Blocking earthlink (was: How did the MSFT monopoly start?) 94. Aug 10 Crist J. Clark Re: Blocking earthlink (was: How did the MSFT monopoly start?) 95. Aug 10 Brad Knowles Re: How did the MSFT monopoly start? 96. Aug 11 Mark Ovens Re: calculating uptime 97. Aug 11 Technical Information Re: calculating uptime 98. Aug 11 Mark Ovens Re: calculating uptime

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